
Latest Reviews

Dragon’s Lore Review

On May 27, 2013

Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the friendly bucko gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this […]

Dragon & Dracula Review

On May 26, 2013

Blimey! What is that I be seeing on the horizon?! Be it a dragon?! Man yer stations, me hands! Ahoy there, laddie. Me pirate eyes better be working or I be an addled fool if that thing yonder turn out to be something else. Avast! Before anything else be happening, allow me to tell ye […]

Combat Arms Zombies Review

On May 23, 2013

Voodoo be a dangerous proposition for anyone who would deal with the dark arts. Zombie Pirates be one of the most horrifying creatures in the world, as they have all our equipment, tacked on with immortality. To paint an accurate portrait of what ye would face when these brigands arise, just look to the Pirates […]

League of Heroes Review

On May 21, 2013

Heroes be an honorable batch o’ people, and even the scallywags on this boat give respect to the fallen ones. Me and me crew be a small part of a huge lore as well, and pirate-heroes are a real thing; we revere ’em just as much as ye land lubbin’ yella bellies. O’ course, sometimes […]

Ruzzle Review

On May 20, 2013

Aaarrr! Now this is me type of app. Har, har, har! Aye, Ruzzle tis’ called. This pirate does not just like rum, booties and sailin’, me also likey word games. I bet ye’all buckos will love this app as much as I do. And I declared that in the name of good, ol’ Calypso. This […]

Robbery Bob Review

On May 19, 2013

As I’ve mentioned before, I respect the work of me thievin’ brothers on the land. Aye, they may not be the shiniest apples in the bunch, but they be an entertainin’ lot who always have somethin’ new to do. While me and me crew don’t spare ’em, some o’ ’em are close friends. This is […]

Catch the Candy Review

On May 18, 2013

Shiver me timbers, ladies! Me hearties and I be out in the open seas for sev’ral weeks now n’ all we got to eating has been candy and rum! I ain’t complainin’, though! Anyways, it is I, your swashbucklin’ App Pirate here with another app review for ye! If ye be likin’ candy, yer surely […]

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