Ahoy there me buckos! The App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to sail the seven seas. Aye, tis’ will be another great adventure. But afore we hop on the ship, let me share ye lads about this fun app that you can try. Tis’ called Streaker Run. Streaker Run is from […]
Latest Reviews
Space Disorder Review
Aaarggghhh! Me stout little fingers are achin’ all because of this Space Disorder app. Have ye tried it? I bet that ye lads will find it difficult to put down this game; until you get your fingers all achin’ like me. Me mateys are also addicted playing this app. Space Disorder is a platformer offered […]
Quiz Apps: Hollywood Review
Arrr! Me and me stinkin’ crew have always been mighty fond of movie stars and movies in general. Aye, celebrities like the lovely lass Angelina Jolie and the handsome son of a whelp, Tom Cruise be one of our favorites. Movies with em’ are movies that we be watchin’. And be it the season of […]
Awww! I love animals. This is why this app is one of me top list. Even me parrot friend loves seeing the animals when I play this game. Wonder Zoo tis’ called. It lets this old bucko manage rescue stolen and injured animals and place them in me zoo. Aye, me very own zoo; at […]
Monster Pinball HD Review
I remember me land lubber days as a child with as much fondness as the mist clingin’ to the shores o’ beautiful England. Before me home was pillaged by the original Dread Pirate Roberts, I would always hobble to me favorite arcade to play a bit of pinball. Ah the lights, the pings, and me […]
If thar be one warrior that can strike fear into the hearts of all me crew, it’d be the knight. They’re as fierce as Calypso’s right eye. As I remember when it were me first years on the boat when we forced one o’ them knights to walk the plank. As soon as he hit […]
Soldier Vs Aliens Review
As a man o’ the sea, me and me crew take great pains to memorize the constellations as regions we pillage curse our magnets into oblivion. O’ course, we never had anything to fear of the night sky, as she acts like the guidin’ light to our salvation. That is, until, I got me hands […]