
Latest Reviews

Grow Away!

On February 13, 2013

Aarrrghhh! Vegetables! Why ye stinkin’ scallywag! Why in Calypso’s name would ye serve the App Pirate those leafy, green, and tasteless things. I swear, if ye weren’t a good cook, I be choppin’ yer head with me trusty cutlass right now! Sorry about that, I be hatin’ vegetables, that’s all. We pirates only eat meat, […]

Monster Pet Shop Review

On February 12, 2013

Arrr! As a veteran pirate, I’ve seen me fair share of monsters while on the seven seas. I’ve seen the Kraken, a leviathan, a giant turtle, and even the face of ol’ Calypso herself. Aye, she can be an ugly monster if she wants to be. So, on the topic of monsters, this pirate be […]

Penguin Wings Review

On February 11, 2013

Ahh… the arctic! Aye, I’ve sailed there before and found the cold not to me liking. I’ve seen polar bears and large whales all up there but nothing has ever fascinated this ol’ bucko than a penguin. I be loving their funny walk a lot. I be laughing so hard whene’er I see em’. Too […]

Quantum Cat Review

On February 9, 2013

Avast ye mateys! A cat be on the prowl – a quantum cat that is. Har har har, this be your ol’ app pirate givin’ you a tug on yer belly with a light joke. Nah, there be no cat on the prowl but there be this mighty fine yet strange app called Quantum cat. […]

Age of Myth Review

On February 8, 2013

Bah! To hell with them Greek Gods! Me only god, the one this old pirate worships, is Calypso and only her. She controls the seas, the clouds, and Davy Jones’ locker. Zeus, Hades, and even that stinkin’ Poseidon with his pet dog, the Kraken, don’t scare me so easily. Now in Age of Myth, playin’ […]

Fantasy Conflict Review

On February 7, 2013

Arrrggghhh! I hate wizards. We buccaneers find sorcery a crock of leviathan crap. So, ye can bet that any game with spells and all that be a bane of me existence. Nah, but seriously, this new app called Fantasy Conflict looks to be a wee bit interesting even if I be seeing a lot of […]

Brain Puzzle Review

On February 6, 2013

Ahoy there me buckos! The App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to make sail. Are ye up to goin’ on another fierce adventure with me and me crew – rum, wenches, booty, the occasional kraken and all that? Aye, an adventure it will be. But afore we hop on me ship, […]

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