
Latest Reviews

Dungeon Hunter Review

On January 12, 2013

Ahoy, me hearties! It’s me again, your favorite pirate app and I’m back for another game that ye can try on your gadgets. Playing RPG set on dungeons is one of me favorite past time. Exploring the dark places of the castle and battling different enemies sound exciting to me. It gives me the same […]

Land ho! Ah, ye land lubbers must be all up and excited to get on dry land. Aye, it has been over year since we set off for the seven seas. I be excited meself to see me big ball and chain and me little ones too, especially since I just got this brand spankin’ […]

Boom Bugs Review

On January 11, 2013

Ahoy, mateys! Your one and only pirate app and me parrot friend are back for another game that we found while sailing on the seven seas and diving for treasures. I find little insects fascinating, though I seldom see them with me two eyes because there is none in our ship. But when we treasure […]

CallMyName Review

On January 10, 2013

Arrrggghh! This smartphone me son got me is a stinkin’ piece of Calypso’s dung. For the love of me, I can’t seem to find me wife’s phone number….arrrggghhh! I be prayin’ to Calypso tonight to send me an app that can organize me contact list here. I be prayin’ that me wife don’t come at […]

Ahoy, me lads and lassies! It’s me again, your one and only pirate app, back for another great game find from the seven seas. When ye mateys see a cute little creature asking for candies, ye all would do everything to feed that sweet tiny thing some sweets, aye? I’m sure ye will, because even […]

Jetpack Joyride Review

On January 9, 2013

Ahoy, me lads and lassies! It’s me again, your favorite pirate app back for another great game that I discovered from me travel to the seven seas. Though the sea have me heart, sometimes, I secretly wonder how it would feel like to go flying. I would like to experience to fly faster than that […]

Plumber Crack Review

On January 7, 2013

Ahoy, mateys! Your one and only pirate app is back for another game that I discovered by sailing on the seven seas. When I was a little lad, me mama would call a big, fat plumber to fix our kitchen sink. I would see his crack when he would bend back. Aye, I was a […]

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