Arr, dirty scallywags be all around ye, and me as well. I remember this lesson well for the first mutiny I experienced it first hand when me and me first mate had a disagreement on whether or not we be watching’ the Dark Knight film. Needless to say, I spent a month’s time marooned on […]
Latest Reviews
Scribblenauts Remix Review
Ahoy there, me mateys! Since I love me games so much, I be willing to share another review with ye. Have you ever wished you could play a game wherein anything you ever wanted to spawn out of thin air? Alas, Scribblenauts Remix be a title that will have ye swing the lead and take […]
Labyrinth Review
Shiver me timbers, the Labyrinth game has got me sea legs all wobbly and trip over me long clothes. Aye, this app be one of the most exciting titles I have ever set me fingers upon. Have ye ever played one of those games where a ball must travel through a maze to get to […]
Bloons TD Review
Ahoy there, me fellow pirates! Let us proceed towards the yardarm that I may be able to tell you about one of the most fascinating games as of recent. Ye be familiar with the concept of tower defence games, aren’t ye? If so, ye be delighted to find out that Bloons TD is now available […]
Peggle Review
In all honesty, I have never played a very addictive game other than what I am playing now. In case ye be wondering, the game’s title is Peggle and it has ruined my productivity. Instead of being able to do me job like most pirates do, I find me self stuck in the poop deck […]
Frogger Review
Batten down the hatches and all hands hoay! I bring ye a sense of nostalgia with this awesome game for your iOS device. If ye be a man who has grown up in the last two decades as a gamer, then Frogger be a game that is eerily familiar to you. Aye, this be the […]
The Game of Life Review
Ahoy, buccaneers! Your pirate in shining leotard is back to give ye the lowdown once again on the best apps out there. Today, we shall play a game that is about life. In fact, it is a Game of Life to be exact. Who has not grown up and played this classic board game at […]