
Latest Reviews

Monkey Preschool Lunchbox Review

On November 16, 2012

As a pirate, me choice in life was me own, but during the early days I was to be a scholar like me mother did try to teach me. Aye, I knew many stories, maps, arithmetic, and a range of different things that I needed to learn to become that thing me dear old momma […]

The Zombie Takeover Review

On November 15, 2012

The plight is back! Oh how I rage at the sky and Poseidon himself when he strikes again with such righteous yet cruel rage. Often me thinks he cleans the world of what he doesn’t like, and so he lets loose a new plague o’ zombies to fight. Aye, it is endless, but if me […]

The Oldify Review

On November 14, 2012

Becomin’ old is a pirate’s greatest fear. The sea is not kind to the elderly and often more cruel because ‘o the savage waves that come straight from the depths of Davey Jones’ locker. Aye, if yer old pal the App pirate were to grow aged and haggard, I would not dare step on another […]

The Fatify Review

On November 13, 2012

‘Tis me once more me hearties, the App Pirate, bringing ye somethin’ new to ponder upon so that ye may make the best use out of yer iPhone. O’ course, there be plenty o’ ways ye can make yer iPhone better, and thar be those that ain’t even just games. Aye, that is right, tons […]

Dragon Story Review

On November 12, 2012

Arr, if thar be only one thing me and me crew fear with much prejudice, it be the sea leviathan. O’ course, one cannot disregard the unholy zombie threat, but when those shambling monsters are on land the leviathan would stalk us on the sea. The creature, wherever it may have spawned, towers high above […]

Palringo Review

On November 11, 2012

Ahoy there buccaneers! This old seadog has been up and about for a few months now, sailin’ the vast ocean looking for the map to the fabled fountain of youth. Well, if ye look closely at me mug, ye will see that I be needin’ a good tick tock back to me old days – […]

eBuddy Review

On November 10, 2012

Aaarggghhh!!! Me mobile bill is off the charts. Another trinket of gold and a couple of doubloons down the drain just so I can tell me babe that I miss her when I be out to sea. Blackbeard once telled me that I should be installing this crazy IM app called eBuddy. According to the […]

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