
Latest Reviews

Shoot Bubble Deluxe Review

On September 12, 2024

Ahoy there me lads and lasses! It’s me again yer favorite app pirate ready to go on another exciting adventure around the seven seas. Aside from gold, some of the most beautiful finds we find are pearls. They are classic and luxurious at the same time. We found different sizes and colors of pearls when […]

Ahoy there me hearties! Life as a pirate is fun, but it’s also a dangerous one. We face all kinds of risks everyday, including encountering wild animals or accidents like falls. So, we are not just sharp in mind, but we are also physically strong to withstand all that. But everything is worth it, especially […]

Royal Cooking Review

On September 5, 2024

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me lads and lasses! It’s me again yer friendly app pirate ready to explore the seven seas for another booty hunting adventure. We just got back from a dive down Davey Jones’s locker and as expected, there were plenty of amazing finds, including these unique […]

Hospital Frenzy: Clinic Game

On September 3, 2024

Ahoy there me lads and lasses! It’s me again yer friendly app pirate ready to give ye another app review. But before that, let me tell you a short story about our recent trip to the land with some of our friends. We met some friends that we haven’t seen for a long time since […]

Ahoy there me hearties! Here’s your friendly app pirate ready to take you on another journey around the seven seas. As pirates, part of the job is to be great at swimming. Of course, we spend most of our time in the ocean, and we dive down to explore and find booties. Plus, we’ll never […]

Contexto Review

On August 27, 2024

Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Yer friendly app pirate is up for another adventure around the seven seas. The crew and I dove at the bottom of the ocean to explore a shipwreck, and it was an incredible experience. There were still so many things left there, but what captured our attention was this […]

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me lads and lasses! The crew and I have been together for a long time, so we do almost everything together. We’re more than just crewmates, but we consider ourselves as family. Speaking of family, one of the TV shows that we love to watch […]

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