
Dashy Crashy Review

On December 17, 2015

Dashy Crashy Icon

Ahoy me hearties! You know very well that your friendly app pirate loves sailing the seven seas. Me love the adventure that me and the crew experience each day, especially when treasure hunting. However, this bucko still misses some things that I used to do on land when I was still a little lad. One of them is playing car racing games on the arcade. ‘Tis the reason why I also often play this type of games on me smartphone. Let me share with ye another app find that ye lads and lasses might like. It’s also a car racing game and it’s called Dashy Crashy. Avast ye as we start with the review.

Not a Crossy Road Copycat

Dashy Crashy Review

The endless traffic dodger game Crossy Road that has a pixel graphics became a hit in the app world, which is why several games similar to this were made. When you first hear of the game title Dashy Crashy, you might think that it’s also an imitation of the same game. However, if you try playing this app, you would realize that they are different from each other.

Dashy Crashy is a drive as long as you can game that would let you control your own vehicle. Avoid hitting other cars as the game would end. There are several types of vehicles to unlock, which make things even more exciting as there’s something to look forward to, aside from trying to beat your own score and that of your friends.

Clean and Nice Graphics

Dashy Crashy App

The graphics of the game is cartoonish but it’s nice and clean. While playing the app, you’ll see the environment change so you’ll get different views, making up for the repetitiveness of the game. You’ll also see the day change into night and vice versa. Again, this is another good addition since the gameplay is basically the same for the entire duration.

Easy Controls

Dashy Crashy is easy to learn. Swipe left and right to change direction and avoid hitting other vehicles. What makes it different from other endless car racers is that you may also swipe up to increase speed and swipe down to slow down. The controls are responsive and they follow when you swipe, which is good as you can manage it better.

Thumbs Up

It’s something that you would enjoy playing repeatedly as there’s this competitive feeling of beating your friends’ score or your own score. It’s easy to learn and the controls also work fine. The graphics and sceneries are nice, as well as the changing of time from day to night.

Thumbs Down

You have limited number of tokens, which you need to play one game. When you run out of tokens, you may watch a video to earn more and play more. The free app also has advertisement and it doesn’t have a native application for Android yet. The token system and advertisement will be removed if you make an in-app purchase to get any of the vehicle.

The Verdict

There may be other endless car racers out there, but Dashy Crashy is one of the best ones in its genre. Its controls work well, it has some twists that make it interesting and it comes for free. If you’re an iOS user that loves this type of game, it’s highly recommended that you download this app.

1 Comment

  1. Gorge says:

    Wow! This is a really basic game, and I am not sure if I am for such things! Next-gen titles have so much to offer compared to poorly designed ones. Dashy Crashy is sadly one of these and microtransactions seen therein are all spoilers. There are way better titles out there, the choice is not limited!

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