
My Little Pony Review

On May 19, 2016

My Little Pony Icon

Avast ye me hearties! Yer friendly app pirate is here again ready to share with ye another amazing find from the seven seas. Don’t laugh, but when I was a little lad, I used to watch this cartoons series called My Little Pony. Aye, it was me little sister’s favorite, that’s why I was forced to watch it too. Har, har, har. While browsing on various apps in the Jolly Roger the other day, I found this game of the same title from Gameloft. It brought me back to me childhood and remembered the times when this buccaneer and me sister used to watch the series. Let me tell ye more about this app in this review.

It’s Nostalgic for My Little Pony Fans

My Little Pony App

While it seems that this game caters more to younger audience because of the magical characters, adults who grew up watching the cartoon series and film that this game was based from would still find it interesting because of the good memories that it brings. It’s nostalgic and seeing these familiar characters would make them want to give it a try.

It’s Like Townsville and Farmville But Magical

If you have played Townsville or Farmville before, the gameplay would be immediately familiar to you. Instead of growing your own farm or town, you would be creating your own Ponyville. Like the said games, this too has tasks that you need to complete, which would earn you points and coins, as well as help you level up. It takes time for completing structures or processes so you have to wait or use premium currency to speed them up. It’s free to play but it comes with in-app purchases, although you’re not forced to purchase with real money. You could still get them by continuously playing the game or by viewing video advertisements. One of the good things about this game is that it gives you the background story before it starts.

It Has Fantastic Graphics

The graphics of the game is A plus! It works well with its fantasy theme. Since this was designed for younger audience, the colors and cute images would really catch their eyes. Even if you’re not a young kid, you would still appreciate the nice design of this app.

There are Mini Games to Keep You Busy

My Little Pony Game

Aside from the tasks that you need to complete and waiting for the time for your build to complete or for collecting your foods, there are mini games that you could play. These are good additions because you wouldn’t just be checking the app once in a while, but you could actually spend time playing it.

The Good

This free to play game is familiar, nostalgic and easy to play. There are mini games that you could play while waiting for processes to complete. The graphics is also a winner.

The Bad

There are advertisements that may interfere with the game. It may only attract girls and younger audience.

The Verdict

Considering that it’s free to play, it’s understandable that it has advertisements. Nevertheless, it’s still something that younger users may like. If you have kids, you may want to download it and let them play it. You may also be interested if you were a My Little Pony fanatic when you were a youngster.

1 Comment

  1. Choupinette says:

    Wow! I might have had an overdose of girly content here! However, it’s all really bright and lively, and it will certainly attract the desired audience. I am personally too much of a hardcore gamer to get into entertainment of the sort. Great review, I would have never heard of My Little Pony if it wasn’t highlighted in such a way!

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