Shiver me timbers! This painting of me be horrid!!! Where is the dog that did this to me lovely mug! Find him and make ‘im walk the plank! Arrrr!! If I had known photos could be magically transformed using this PhotoDeco app, I would have used it in the first place rather than spend a […]
Latest Reviews
Zoolicious Review
Yo-ho-ho, lads! Animals be very dangerous… but none more so than me hahahaha!!!! Yet, there are forest creatures that be on top o’ the food chain, and there be those that are just plain grub. If ye like animals and eating them, then ye be liking this Zoolicious game. It be fun, educational and be […]
GoodRx Review
Ahoy thar, mateys! Being in me ship sailin’ around for months sure gives me and me mates the heebie-jeebies e’ery so often. Potions and herrrbs be expensive, especially yer modern medicine. While we chantey on down, this app called GoodRx be a lifesaver. It be givin’ me discounts on drugs and save some of me […]
TunePad Review
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum!!! Oh, there ye are me hearties! Don’t mind this old salt, I be jolly from all the loot me and me hands just got from them shark bait o’er thar. Aye, since we be having no musical instruments, I be using this app called TunePad! Sink me as […]
SkeeFree Review
Avast thar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be having an app review for ye. Hold on to your horses and widen yer deadlights as we be […]
Design Your Body Review
It cannot be stressed enough that manning a ship be a hard task. Those that are loose around the edges are first to be thrown into the hideous maelstrom. The people that can’t run for more than a few yard often breath their last breath rushin’ on the deck. This be the reason why so […]
Fish Party Online Review
Argh, fish be the primary source of food of all pirates. When we be tired of potatoes and meat, we often try to cast out our lines and collect some fish from mother ocean. Aye, o’ course we be limited when it comes to flavor, we’re not a spice ship after all. It is nice […]