Ahoy thar me hearties! Yer lovable app pirate is back with another wonderful app to talk about. Ye see, while me and me crew where wandering near Africa for some good, old, ebony beauties, this here humble scallywag was deep in the details of Bobbing. Aye, tis’ a strange name, but once ye start playin’ […]
Latest Reviews
Boomlings Review
Arrrggghhh! Thar be many things that pirates love about apps, and one o’ them be that they are fun little distractions from all the pillagin’ and plunderin’. One little guilty pleasure me and me crew share is color and shape puzzle games that be plaguing the app market. O’ course, some o’ them be better […]
Executive Assistant + Review
Aye, I get what yer sayin’, but let me tell ye right to yer stinkin’ face, a pirate need no executive assistant. Arrrggg! Sorry about that, I be arguin’ with me first mate as he be tellin’ me that I need to organize me stuff better what with 3 cargo holds now filled up with […]
Super Waves Survivor Review
Ahoy thar landlubbers! I’v had a bad day to say the least, meh. By the wrath of old Poseidon me small ship has submerged and I had to sail in me dusty old Raft for hours like a new buccaneer. An old seadog like me in a raft, could ya’ believe? Kinda reminds me of […]
Ahoy me scallywag friends. The App pirate is back with the vengeance after a short vacation with me family. Aye, me wife and I sailed to Calypso’s point, an island far off course from any merchant shipping lane. The island is serene and peaceful, with a cave stocked with a case of rum and a […]
Clash of Clans Review
Ahoy there me buckos! Am about to jump on my ship and start another adventure at the sea. But afore that, let me tell ye about this app me lads that this pirate has been playing for the past days. Me and the buckos even created our clan and are out to take down all […]
MyRealFont Review
Ahoy there land lubber! I got me here a nice prize of an app by the name of MyRealFont. Nay, this app ain’t no game nor is it anything really important. Aye, this app is just loads of fun. And this here pirate is one person that really enjoys it. Imagine, an app that allows […]