
Latest Reviews

Chicken Raid Review

On March 2, 2013

Yargh! I would be a rich old sandy sod if I had wagered on how many anthropomorphic protagonists lead games on these here mobile devices. Thar be so many o’ these things that ye can’t shake a peg leg with without hittin’ one or two o’ these adorable beings. O’ course, just because thar be […]

Free 2 Die Review

On March 1, 2013

Arrgh, the roamers are back again ta plague me, and I thought a man ‘o the sea would never have to watch the apocalypse happen twice. O’course, the sea does offer a brief respite from the monsters as they can’t swim. Alas, zombies are here to stay and distinct fear is that they be the […]

Potatoss Review

On February 28, 2013

Ahh, potatoes! They be good for eatin’ and great for throwin’. Aye, get hit square on the face with a heavy potato? Be ready for a black eye and a world of hurt. And if Calypso ain’t smilin’ down on ye, be ready for a ride to Davy Jones’ locker coz’ I’ve seen a lot […]

Stupid Zombies 2 Review

On February 26, 2013

Have ye ever seen a stinkin’ zombie in yer life? It ain’t pretty staring down their decaying muzzle. And their breath, woooh! Aye, they be smellin’ like sulfur and brimstone. I killed me several zombies back in the day, and they be hard to kill. But boy, those were the days. Killin’ em is a […]

Twist Pilot Review

On February 25, 2013

Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this […]

Kill Devils Review

On February 24, 2013

Arrrgghhh! The stinkin’ devils are close to me gates. Ready the cannon and let’s rain fire on their puny heads, arrrr!!! Thar she blows! Har, har, har! Nah, there ain’t no real enemy bucko. It’s just this here app that I parlayed from iTunes two days ago. It’s called Kill Devils and seems to be […]

Finger Tied Review

On February 22, 2013

Aaarggghhh! Me stubby little fingers are achin’ all because of this Finger Tied app. Have ye tried it? It be a really good app except that me fingers are too stubby to figure out some of the maps here. Anyway, why don’t ye try it and see if ye like it coz’ I need to […]

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