
Latest Reviews

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum. Ahoy there me mateys! It’s me again, yer friendly app pirate ready to start another booty hunting adventure with me crew. But ‘afore we do that, ‘course, me prepared an app review for ye to read while this bucko is sailing. Ye know that aside from treasure […]

94% Review

On May 25, 2017

Ahoy there me mateys! Yer favorite app pirate is here for another app review straight from the seven seas. Me and the crew had been doing non-stop of booty hunting the past days. ‘Afore we head on another one, let me first share ye another app review. ‘Course I wouldn’t forget ye lads and lasses […]

Bunny Hunt Challenge Review

On May 21, 2017

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. Yek know me lads and lasses how this old salt can be fearless in booty hunting and fighting against the enemies, but still has a soft heart on animals. Aye, I love animals! As ye can see, this bucko loves his parrot pet a lot. Aside of […]

The Office Quest Review

On May 18, 2017

Ahoy there me hearties! It’s me again, yer friendly app pirate, ready to give ye another app review, ‘afore me hop on the Jolly Roger with me crew. ‘Afore turning into a buccaneer, ye wouldn’t believe this old salt also tried working in an office. Aye! I was wearing all those formal suit and tie. […]

Ahoy there me mateys! It’s me again, yer friendly app pirate back from another adventure from the seven seas. Ye know what this old salt does whenever me have free time. Well, aside from drinking rum and spending time with me parrot friend, one thing that me usually do is play apps! What ye may […]

Rope Escape Review

On May 11, 2017

Yo,ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me mateys! Yer friendly app pirate is here again to share with ye another dose of app review. Like many of ye buckos, this old salt was also addicted in endless runners. There had been loads of options like Temple Run and Subway Surfers. It’s been […]

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Although sailing and booty hunting are my first love, this old salt also misses some things on land every now and then. Aye, me miss ye landlubber friends. But aside from that, one thing that this bucko misses are fast foods! Har, har, har! ‘Tis why whenever […]

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