
Latest Reviews

Tickling Cat Review

On September 15, 2016

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. As ye all know me hearties that this buccaneer might have a fierce heart when it comes to fighting and booty hunting, but me have a soft heart when it comes to animals. Me parrot pet could attest to that. The app that I will share with […]

Avast ye me lads and lasses. It’s me again, yer friendly app pirate back to share another app that me found on the seven seas. I know that ye me hearties would be much interested on this one like I was when I first learned about it. The app that we will talk about today […]

Tap the Frog Review

On September 12, 2016

Ahoy there me mateys! The app that I will share with ye today involves a very cute animal. Don’t tell me parrot pet about it because she easily gets jealous when I call other animals cute. Har, har, har! It doesn’t mean me pet isn’t cute. Aye, she’s so cute and adorable too! Anyways, back […]

Golf Star Review

On September 8, 2016

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. Yer friendly app pirate is here again to share with ye another amazing find from the seven seas. Ye see, the crew in the ship do not just hunt treasures and drink rum, although of course that’s what we do most of the time. Har, har, har! […]

Ahoy there me hearties. Here is yer friendly app pirate again, about to embark on another exciting booty hunting adventure in the seven seas, down Davey Jones’s locker and all the islands in between. But don’t fret ‘cause I got ye lads and lasses an app that I would leave with ye before me and […]

Ahoy there me hearties! Hope yer having a great day cause this bucko is going to make it even better. Aye, I have another app to share with ye me lads and lasses. If ye love city building games like the other crews here in the Jolly Roger ship and ‘acourse, this old salt, ye […]

Mary Kay Virtual Makeover

On August 25, 2016

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. It’s me again yer friendly app pirate ready for another adventure to try on the seven seas. ‘Afore me hop on the ship, let me share with ye another app review that ye lasses would love. Aye, this one is something for the girls and may not […]

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