Ahoy there me lads and lasses! ‘Afore me and the crew go on another adventure, this old salt would be sharing with ye an app review of one of me latest finds. When I was a little lad, me mama would buy me toys that I had on me bed. There were cars, ships and […]
Latest Reviews
Adventure Island for Mario Review
Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum. When I was a little lad, I remember playing video games and one of me favorite was the game Mario. Aye, it’s a classic and glad I was able to find this game called Adventure Island for Mario. It reminded me so much of me childhood, although […]
Picture Quotes Review
It was one of the buccaneer’s birthday the other day. Me and the crew prepared a party, which was of course overflowing with rum! This app called Picture Quotes by Dexati was also helpful was we were immediately able to create a birthday message for him. Aye, I know that there are several picture quotes […]
Genius — Song Lyrics and More Review
Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me maties! Yer app pirate is here again for another app review. Ye lads and lasses know how I love singing, aye? Well, I admit I may not be the best singer but me parrot thinks that I am. Har, har, har. Even though I […]
StirFry Stunts – We Bare Bears Review
Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Yer favorite buccaneer is back for another app review that I will share with ye ‘afore me and me crew sail again and treasure hunt. The other time, we had our stop in Japan and stayed there for a few days. This pirate had landlubber friends there who took […]
Fishing Paradise 3D Free+ Review
Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me maties! I’m here again to share with ye another app that ye lads and lasses could try. The game that this old salt is going to share with ye is close to me heart. Since we spend most of me and the crew’s time […]
Advance SMS Review
Ahoy there me hearties! Yer friendly app pirate spends most of me time sailing the seven seas, booty hunting and diving at Davey Jone’s locker. I love the sea and me fellow buccaneers, but I also have lots of landlubber friends. Thanks to the technology, this old salt could get in touch with them. When […]