Ahoy there me hearties! Your favorite app pirate is back for another app review. In a couple of hours, me and my crew are heading for another booty hunting adventure. But before we do that, this old salt wouldn’t leave without sharing with ye another app that ye lads and lasses may like. The app […]
Latest Reviews
Design This Home Review
Ho-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum! Ahoy me mateys. ‘Afore me and my crew sail on the sea and start another exciting treasure hunting adventure, let me first share with ye another review called Design This Home by App Minis. When I was a little lad, I was always around me mama. Aye, this […]
Pet Shop Story Review
Hey there me hearties! You know all very well that this pirate loves animals. Aye, you known of me talkative parrot pet that had been with me since I started sailing with the crew in our good old Jolly Roger. Even when I was a little lad, I would take care of pets at home […]
Roll the Ball: Slide Puzzle Review
Ahoy, me hearties! Your favorite app pirate is back for another game review that I would like to share with ye. Me and the old salts in our crew are heading for an exciting booty hunting adventure. We are diving at the bottom of the sea and find treasures at Davy Jones’ Locker. Don’t worry […]
Dashy Crashy Review
Ahoy me hearties! You know very well that your friendly app pirate loves sailing the seven seas. Me love the adventure that me and the crew experience each day, especially when treasure hunting. However, this bucko still misses some things that I used to do on land when I was still a little lad. One […]
Mobfish Hunter Review
Ahoy there me hearties! Here’s your friendly app pirate giving you another app review after sailing the seven seas. The game that this buccaneer will tackle today is close to me heart. Ye know lads that anything that has to do with ocean this old salt like. The app is called Mobfish Hunter. Hunt and […]
Frozen Free Fall Review
Shiver me timbers! Yer favorite app reviewing pirate is back. And me and the crew of the good ole Jolly Rogers have got the perfect mobile game to keep you at your wits ends and very much excited to open and play. It’s a match three puzzle game called Frozen Free Fall. Let me tell […]