
Latest Reviews

CollageIt Free Review

On October 15, 2013

Ahoy there me hearties! Me and my fellow buccaneers (and of course my parrot pet) love taking photos. Aye, we take a snap of our adventures and booty hunts. We then make photo collage that we send to our landlubber lads. Har, har, har! We sure look great on photos. Let me tell you more […]

Samurai Siege Review

On October 13, 2013

Ahoy there me scallywag lads. The app pirate is back with the vengeance after a short vacation on land. But ‘afore I go on another booty hunt, let me give you this Samurai Siege review. ‘Tis a real time strategy game that ye buckos can add on your iOS or Android device. Samurai Siege Overview […]

Tinder Review

On October 10, 2013

Ahoy there me hearties! Your friendly app pirate is back with another review of an application that you might like. This one is called Tinder. Ye see, this buccaneer is not just about booties and adventures. Aye, me also like to meet girls. But as fearless as I am on the sea, I am shy […]

Alien with a Magnet Review

On October 1, 2013

Ahoy thar, mateys! Belay and listen to me, ye doggone landlubbers! I have with me a new game that ye be surely going addled over. This dusty old Pirate didn’t encounter such a fine gem in a long long time. If ye like aliens… or magnets…. ye scurvy dogs will lose yer wits over Alien […]

Hill Bill Review

On September 22, 2013

Avast that, mateys! Blimey! This be one addled trip I be tellin’ ye, laddie! E’ery turn me ship makes there be a chase happening not so very far away. Aye, ye ain’t innerested in boooooring stuff the life a pirate lives, I be seein’ it in yer deadlights! Handsomely, allow me to tell you ‘bout […]

Linpus Launcher Review

On September 20, 2013

Shiver me timbers, matey! It be me, yer App Pirate back again for more reviews of awesome loot! I mean apps, aye. This time we be featuring this chest containing an app called the Linpus Launcher, and it is said to make other launchers in its class kiss the gunner’s daughter! If ye like launchers, […]

Zombie Ragdoll Review

On September 13, 2013

Ahoy me scallywag friends. The app pirate is back with the vengeance after a short vacation with me family. Aye, me wife and I sailed to Calypso’s point, an island far off course from any merchant shipping lane. The island is serene and peaceful, with a cave stocked with a case of rum and a […]

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