
Latest Reviews

Transformers Legends Review

On August 3, 2013

On the lonely seven seas, the months can often feel like years ta us pirates. Besides the roiling waves and the infinite blue, there be little entertainment for us pirates to sink our wooden teeth into. This be why we play so many different apps for both the android and the iOS because without ’em, […]

Underworld Empire Review

On August 2, 2013

Arrrgh, the world o’ crime be a great one to venture in for there are many rewards to be had if ye work hard enough. O’ course, the misconception about bein’ a pirate is that it be an easy thing, when in truth, there are many rules that dictate the seven seas. I suppose that […]

Contactive Review

On July 29, 2013

Avast thar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be having an app review for ye. This new application is called Contactive. Here is the story behind this […]

Blastron Review

On July 28, 2013

Ahoy me scallywag friends. The app pirate is back with the vengeance after a short vacation with me family. Aye, me wife and I sailed to Calypso’s point, an island far off course from any merchant shipping lane. The island is serene and peaceful, with a cave stocked with a case of rum and a […]

Diner Dash Review

On July 27, 2013

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum!!! Oh, there ye are me hearties! Don’t mind this old salt, I be jolly from all the loot me and me hands just got from them shark bait o’er thar. ‘Afore I became a pirate, I wanted to have me own restaurant. That’s why I was very happy […]

Hardest Game 2 Review

On July 26, 2013

Ahoy there me buckos! The App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to make sail. Are ye up to goin’ on another fierce adventure with me and me crew – rum, wenches, booty, the occasional kraken and all that? Aye, an adventure it will be. But afore we hop on me ship, […]

Hardest Game Ever Review

On July 25, 2013

Avastthar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be having an app review for ye. Hold on to your horses and widen yer deadlights as we betakin’ a […]

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