
Latest Reviews

Zuko Monsters Review

On July 24, 2013

Well, ahoy there fella. It appears ye caught me red handed playin’ this new app called Zuko Monsters. Aye, me wife and I sailed to Calypso’s point, an island far off course from any merchant shipping lane. The island is serene and peaceful, with a cave stocked with a case of rum and a fully […]

Gun Bros 2 Review

On July 23, 2013

Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this […]

Outlaw Review

On July 22, 2013

Avast thar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be having an app review for ye. I just tried this new game on me iPad and it’s called […]

Heads Up! Review

On July 16, 2013

If you watch Ellen on a regular basis, then you might have seen a segment in which she plays with her guests a game called Heads Up! The goal of the game is pretty simple… There is a word on the card and the person holding it on his forehead must guess what it is […]

Diner Dash Rush Review

On July 15, 2013

Ahoy there, mateys! Allow me to feed ye some grub, seein’ as ye be tired from yer long journey. In me ship I like to make me own meals, seeing as me mates can’t be trusted with their grubby hands! In me spare time away from ransacking privateers, I also cook for me boys. Aye, […]

Escape If You Can Review

On July 11, 2013

Sail ho, mateys! On to the open water we go and use yer deadlights! Last thing we be needin’ is a reef against me ship! Ah, while they be on their toes, I have me some time to give me two cents’ worth with a new game. Escape if You Can is the name, and […]

Smash Spin Rage Review

On July 10, 2013

Shiver me timbers! The damned be coming forth from the briny deep! Hurry before we become shark bait to these monsters! Aye lad, there be nothing more frightful for us sea dogs than to fight those that be from beyond. And that is what ye be gettin’ when ye play Smash Spin Rage on yer […]

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