Aaarrr! Now this is me type of app. Har, har, har! Aye, Castle Age HD tis’ called and I be dueling with other players and invading lands with me powerful army. Me and my buccaneers have joined the same guild and fought with other guilds. This is a free game from Phoenix Age, Inc. It […]
Latest Reviews
Temple Run Oz Review
Awww! I love Temple Run. I also love Oz the Great and Powerful. ‘Tis why this pirate is so happy to play the new Temple Run Oz. This is an endless running game with an Oz theme that ye buckos will love. This is a fun and addicting game. And I declared that in the […]
Flow Free Review
Ahoy there me buckos! Your friendly App Pirate is back aboard his Jolly Rogers and about to make sail. Are ye up to goin’ on another fierce adventure with me and me crew – rum, wenches and booties? Aye, an adventure it will be. But afore we hop on me ship, let me tell ye […]
Legends of Loot Review
Loot is a pirates prime reason to exist. It don’t matter whether we be spending it on tons of rum and meat or if we hoard it in our ancient magic caves. This also be the reason why we love games and apps with the same purpose. In this case, Legends of Loot makes us […]
Sci-Fi Heroes Review
There be no better way o’ combat than fightin’ with friends. That be the reason why there be so many games that boast a multiplayer aspect in ’em. The seven seas be a cruel mistress to keep, and I can only imagine the Milky-Way be a far worse whale to conquer. However, with the help […]
Ant Raid Review
Have ye ever seen a stinkin’ zombie in yer life? It ain’t a good sight staring down their decaying muzzle. And their breath, woooh! Aye, they be smellin’ really bad. I killed me several zombies back in the day, and they be hard to kill. But boy, those were the days. Killin’ em is a […]
Arcane Legends Review
Gangway, laddie! There be dangers upon us and it be up to me, the App Pirate, to keelhaul all these monsters and make ‘em dance with Jack Ketch! Aye, while we be fightin’ for we lives here, there be an app you can play on ye mobile which’ll give ye the same adventures as we […]