Ahoy there me hearties! It’s me again yer favorite app pirate ready to deliver another app review ‘afore me hop the ship and go on another booty hunting adventure. Aye, the entire crew will be sailing the seven seas again. ‘Tis almost time for these buccaneers to go so avast ye and let’s start with […]
Latest Reviews
Special Force: Contra Terroist Hunter Review
Ahoy there me hearties! It’s me again yer favorite app pirate ready for another adventure straight from the seven seas. When I was a little lad, this bucko was always playing at the arcade. Aye, I was good in a lot of video games. ‘Tis why when I learned about this app that we will […]
Taxi Game Review
Ahoy there me lads and lasses! Yer favorite friendly app pirate is back with another dose of app review. ‘Afore hopping in the ship and living the life of full pledged pirate, this old salt enjoyed driving in land. Aye, I can drive any kind of vehicle, from motorcycle to trucks! ‘Tis why this bucko […]
Pocket Pool Review
Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Here in the ship, me and the crew play a lot of games like regular landlubbers do. One of our favorite past times is playing pool. Aye, we have a pool table and the crew and I have a tournament every now and then, especially after a […]
Bomber Friends Review
Ahoy there me hearties! It’s me again yer favorite app pirate back from another fun adventure from the seven seas. I didn’t forget ye me lads and lasses as I brought ye another dose of app review. The app that we will talk about in this review for today will remind ye of an old […]
4 in a Row Review
Ahoy there me lads and lasses. Yer friendly app pirate is set to sail the seven seas with me fantastic crew. Of course, joining in the booty hunting adventure is me parrot pet. When there’s nothing to do, the crew and I play different games, and one of them is Connect Four. This reminded of […]
Logic Master Review
Ahoy there me hearties. It’s me again, yer favorite app pirate ready to give ye another app review. As ye know me lads and lasses, this old salt is not only about booty hunting and drinking rum with the crew, but me also love using me brain. Aye, ‘tis why one of me favorite games […]