
Latest Reviews

Ahoy there me lads and lasses! It was a great day for the crew as we were able to dig a lot of booties. Me and the buccaneers celebrated drinking rum and singing. We used this karaoke app made by Yokee and this is what I’ll share you with you buckos for our review today. […]

Hairstyles Review

On January 11, 2016

Ahoy there! Your favorite app pirate is here and I’ll give you another app review that you me hearties may find useful. It’s a photography/beauty app from and it’s called Hairstyles. Aye, you got it right, it’s all about hairstyles. You may be wondering how this old salt learned about it, aye? Me and […]

Pocket Yoga Review

On January 7, 2016

Ho, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Ahoy! As pirates, me and me crew stay fit and healthy so we can be sharp and fast when in a battle with other pirates, when treasure hunting or diving down Davy Jones’ Locker to get some booty. It may be unlikely me hearties, but we actually […]

Ho, ho, ho and bottle of rum! Ahoy, it’s me again, your favorite app pirate. Me and my crew just had one of the best booty hunting adventures. We found lots of golds and treasures. We also take a break from sailing the sea once in a while and visit our landlubber friends for a […]

Charades! Review

On December 31, 2015

Ahoy there me hearties! Your favorite app pirate is back for another app review. In a couple of hours, me and my crew are heading for another booty hunting adventure. But before we do that, this old salt wouldn’t leave without sharing with ye another app that ye lads and lasses may like. The app […]

Design This Home Review

On December 28, 2015

Ho-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum! Ahoy me mateys. ‘Afore me and my crew sail on the sea and start another exciting treasure hunting adventure, let me first share with ye another review called Design This Home by App Minis. When I was a little lad, I was always around me mama. Aye, this […]

Pet Shop Story Review

On December 24, 2015

Hey there me hearties! You know all very well that this pirate loves animals. Aye, you known of me talkative parrot pet that had been with me since I started sailing with the crew in our good old Jolly Roger. Even when I was a little lad, I would take care of pets at home […]

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