
Latest Reviews

Avast ye me lads and lasses! Yer friendly app pirate is about to go on another adventure again around the seven seas. There would be loads of exciting booty hunting for sure. Me and the crew can’t wait for the good old Jolly Roger to start sailing. But don’t ye worry me hearties, ‘afore me […]

Glass 2 Glass Review

On November 7, 2016

Ahoy there me hearties! Yer friendly app pirate is back from another adventure from the seven seas. Right now, me and the crew are chilling and taking a quick break. Yer right, we just drank rum all night, but this old salt is used to it, so no, me no dizzy! Har, har, har! In […]

Flying LARVA Review

On November 3, 2016

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me mateys. Yer favorite app pirate is in a good mood right now. Why? I just found this app that was adapted from this computer-animated TV series that me and me parrot pet have been watching. Aye, this old salt still watch animates series! Har, […]

Pineapple Pen Review

On October 30, 2016

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Aside from sailing, booty hunting and me parrot pet, another thing that this old salt love is good music. Aye, even if me and the crew are always in our ship sailing the seven seas, we are still updated on the latest songs that come out. Me […]

Ahoy there me mateys! Yer app pirate is back again from sailing the seven seas. Booty hunting was a success and we got loads of treasures, including this smartphone that this bucko found. I was so happy with the fine and even me crew wanted to have it ‘cause it has lots of the things […]

Brick Game Review

On October 23, 2016

Ahoy there me mateys! I don’t know if I’m just getting old or what, but there are times that yer friendly pirate is getting sentimental and nostalgic. Me think about me childhood and how fun it was to go home with me mama’s delicious meals. I also miss those times when me and me lads […]

Badminton Review

On October 20, 2016

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Hey there me mateys! Yer friendly app pirate just had a great day as we went on a quick break in a gorgeous island to meet with some of me and the crew’s landlubber friends. It’s been a while since we did this as we buccaneers were […]

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