Ahoy there me matey, join me for a few mugs of ale and a couple shot o’ rum. Aye, tho’ we be at port, I be in high spirits. That be due to this new app I just got for me iPhone. Aye, a pirate with an iPhone – what would good ol’ Jack Sparrow think, huh? So, anyway, this new app called AppLocal is what has got me in high spirits as it is the first app I got that can tell me if a store near me has an app I can use. What a great find eh? Much like the last booty we found on Dead Man’s Island. But that be another story. For today, let’s celebrate AppLocal.
Apps like AppLocal is like an application bridge that provides you with information on other apps that you may find interesting. Similar to AppZapp or Chomp, both of which are also app discovery applications, AppLocal informs you on the latest apps of your favorite stores – be it the supermarket 3 blocks from your home or that adorable, little café around the block that makes the most scrumptious chocolate chip cookies that you love so much.
Aye, if you be meaning to ask whether even the smallest of stores have apps – the answer is yes, they most probably do. Apps are one the of the cheapest and most efficient ways to connect with your customers, build your brand, and advertise to a market that will most probably become bigger than Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ combined.
How Does AppLocal Work?
If you are familiar with discovery apps like AppZapp and Chomp, then you know that their app discovery function is tied in with social data and popularity. Hence, if that sandwich shop at the corner has an app that is being promoted by people on Facebook, Twitter, and the like, AppZapp and Chomp will definitely pick up on that and discover that app for you. However, if that burger joint down the road has an app but has not created any buzz in the whole social universe, then those two discoverers will be blind to it.
Well, AppLocal is different. It does not take its cue on social buzz and online viral tendencies and trends. Nope, AppLocal discovers apps based on location. So, if you want to know if the stores in your neighborhood have apps, then AppLocal will tell you exactly that by searching based on actual location as opposed to the name of the store or the social parameters of the store. Cool, right?
Do I Recommend It?
Two thumbs up and an ecstatic yes! I definitely recommend it. Why? For starters, it is a discovery app, which will provide you a list of apps to stores near you – apps that you can use to get huge discounts, search for products, order ahead, and a slew of other convenient options. Secondly, AppLocal is totally free for all iOS devices. And, finally because the existing raves and reviews from real people that continue to use it are extremely positive.