Ahoy, lads! Yer App Pirate be back from another adventure from the high seas! Before I set me ship on the docks, allow me to tell ye about the great mysteries of the open sea. Aye… no time for that I reckon. Ah! If ye like mysteries that make you go “blimey!”, you be in for a treat with the Jim and Frank Mysteries app. I tell ye, bucko! Ye be using yer deadlights fer this one I swear me last bottle of grog on it!
A Different Kind of Mystery Game
Jim and Frank Mysteries is a title unlike any other game you’ve played before. At first glance, you would think it’s a mystery game. Or, it could be a puzzle game. Well, you’re right on both accounts. This is a game that combines both elements of a puzzle game and a mystery game too. As a matter of fact, no two puzzles in this game are alike.
With about more than 20 hours of game play, you will be treated with various levels that are played differently. Play the game as best buds Jim and Frank, discovering mysteries and solving puzzles in this one-of-a-kind game brought to you by 99 Games.
Playability and Game Play
So the adventure begins in Tinyville, where Jim and Frank need to uncover the mystery behind Blood River. In order to do so, they will need to solve different puzzles and that is where you come in. You will be faced with tons of challenges, none of which are alike from one another. The game itself is pretty fun to begin with. You have cool graphics that comes with some animated cut scenes, which will definitely entertain you. Of course, there is a storyline that will keep you engaged. Most of all the puzzles are what will keep you hooked in Jim and Frank Mysteries.
You won’t get stuck playing one type of puzzle over and over again, like many other games do. In this one, every new level you are faced with is completely new which will catch you off-guard. You will really have to use your brain to its fullest power with this game as it will test every aspect of your skills in solving puzzles. Then to top it all off, there are leaderboards that will record your scored in the game. Get the highest ones to beat other players in the game from all over the world!
The game can be downloaded for free. For that alone there is no reason for you not to download it on your device. Yet, what this title has to offer is like taking free candy from a store. It’s so good you can believe it’s for free! Then again with puzzles that will test your logic, analytical skills, jigsaws and many other forms of games that will never leave you with the feeling of being bored. Jim and Frank Mysteries is a must-have especially if you love this type of genre in gaming. This dusty old Pirate approves highly!