Heroes be an honorable batch o’ people, and even the scallywags on this boat give respect to the fallen ones. Me and me crew be a small part of a huge lore as well, and pirate-heroes are a real thing; we revere ’em just as much as ye land lubbin’ yella bellies. O’ course, sometimes heroes be fakes, and that be the time that even our code ‘o honor is breached and broken. This is sorta the reason why I have mixed feelins’ League of Heroes, as there is a bit o’ fun in this title, but it’s mixed in with some hard things to overlook.
League of Heroes presents gameplay which lives up to the title. Here, you play as a warrior, seeking to fight off the forces of darkness. Along the way, you may have to face giant bosses that throw throngs of minions at you. However, there’s a bit of a tick to the game which you can’t overlook.
The Graphics of the League
Graphically, there isn’t anything wrong with this title. In fact, the visuals are impeccable and does the game genre justice. The colorful world really emphasizes the smooth action, often detailing the world around you and the characters themselves. Of course, much like most iOS titles that accompany it in the app library, the graphics look like a cartoon. The 2 dimensional level design is another thing altogether though.
You see, as far as the graphics goes, the game boasts some pretty decent visuals but the level design is derivative at best. Often, you’d find yourself on a one way track to a ton of enemy encounters. This is just one of the few major lacking features in the game, which is where the gameplay comes into play.
The Gameplay
Okay, if there is one addicting factor to the League of Heroes that would be combat. Basically, it seems that the developers have found that simplifying combat mechanics equates to addicting gameplay. There’s one attack button which you will use to slay thousands of enemies on the way to major boss battles. The game does away with heavy handed combo systems, which is a nice respite from the typical setups normally found in similar games.
However, this is also the inevitable downfall with the game. Because there is not a lot of variety in the game, there isn’t much to do in it. As was mentioned above, there are so little deviations within the design and the game itself that it’s almost impossible to slog through every one of the monsters again and again. There’s isn’t even much in the way of grind and that’s basically what slogging in video games is for. But that is just me, I like my games to have some dimension.
Lax gamers will find League of Heroes as a very well-designed distraction to their usual daily grind. This means, if you are a hardcore gamer, this game may soon be mind-numbingly repetitive. But if you are the type that just plays games to pass the time away, then this game will surely be right up your alley.
The Verdict
The problem with repetitive games is that they can often go either way. Sometimes the repetition is awesome in that it provides a fun experience, while on the other hand they can get boring fast. Technically, there isn’t anything wrong with this title, but in terms of gameplay, there isn’t much besides the bashing of skulls. Sure, you can say that about other games, but at least a lot of them offer power ups and enemies which need some strategy. If you really want a game you can just pick up and mindlessly tap on, this might be your thing. Personally? I wholeheartedly love this title! Maybe it’s because I’m a Captain and used to bark orders or control no good sailors, Gah. This dusty old Pirate definitely recommends this title!