Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this Sleep Application review here.
About the App
Sleep Application, as the term suggests, is an application to help you go to sleep more easily. This was developed by koikoi.biz and became the number 1 downloaded application in Japan. This is a promising app that can also become popular to different countries around the world, especially with its benefits. This app is easy to use. Its user interface is straightforward and it is available in English so you should not have any problems navigating it. There are also different settings to choose from, which you can select depending on what you wish to achieve.
The Sleep mode is the best option if you want to sleep. If you want to meditate or relax but not really go to sleep, the Relaxation mode is the right choice. The Concentration mode will help enhance your concentration. This is perfect if you are doing an activity that requires a great deal of concentration like sports. The Memory mode also enhances your concentration but to a deeper level. This is perfect if you are taking an exam or you are having a presentation. However, each person is different from each other so these modes may have varying effects to every individual. Try these settings to see their effects on you.
Background Music
This application uses binaural beat technology, which uses 3db. This is a scientifically proven tool for health improvement and personal development. But as mentioned, the effect may vary from one person to another. Even if you do not immediately see significant results, keep using the application and you should experience positive changes after some time. Aside from the different modes available on the app, there are also different background music to choose from.
This ensures that you will find the perfect music that would work best for you. Whether the sound of rain makes you feel sleepy or relaxed, or the sound of the forest or brook is more calming for you, there are several options to choose from. Listen to the available background music and see which you like best. If you like several of the background music, you can use a different one each time you use the app.
The Verdict
This application is available for $0.99. Is it worth the price? Yes, it is absolutely worth the money that you will spend in getting the app, especially if you are having difficulties getting to sleep. But even if you are not having a hard time sleeping, this is still a must try app because of the other benefits that it brings including memory and concentration enhancement, as well as relaxation. In this fast paced world, which could get stressful at times, this app is a good purchase.