Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this Gun Bros 2 Review here.
The Game
The most awaited sequel to Glu Games’ Gun Bros is now available in the App Store for free. This freemium game still has the basic gameplay as the original app but with a few twists, more weapons and power-ups. There are two modes to choose from, which are campaign mode and arcade mode. There are different missions to complete on the campaign mode.
Completing each level will earn you Xplodium, which is the game’s currency, as well as chests that contain random items. If you die before you complete the mission, you will not get the money or the chest. Completing a set of clothing will also give you bonus health.
The Gameplay
Now, since the items are random, you may get things that you already have or those that you do not need. But you can sell them to get Xplodium, which you can then use to buy new weapons and armors. Bucks is the premium currency of the game, which you would need to spend to get the most powerful weapons and armors. One of the twists of the game is that enemies on other levels have their shields that add protection, making them more difficult to kill.
You can change the color of your weapon to that of the shield’s in order to destroy it in one shoot. But then again, changing the color of your weapon will cost you 2 bucks. This can be done after completing a mission. The arcade mode is the survival mode of the game, where you can also get the help of your Facebook or Game Center friends.
Graphics and Sound
The graphics of the game is good especially with the different weapons and armors that you can put on your character. There are also explosions here and there giving you the feel of a real battle. It’s just a bit difficult to see the enemies on the screen during intense battle because of all the brightness caused by the explosions. The background music and the sound of the guns are perfect for an action pack game like this.
Gun Bros reminds this dusty old Pirate of Diablo III a little, with soft touches of Quake 3 Arena. Aye, i’m losing my marbels sure but what do you expect out of an old seadog like me? Just take a look at my silly crew of Pirate misfits to understand why have i gone stark raving mad! Garrr.
The Verdict
If you loved the original Gun Bros game, you will also love the second installment. It has the same gameplay so you should not have problems playing it. Even if you are new to the game, it is really not that difficult to learn its basics. It can get repetitive in the long run since the goal is the same on each mission, which is to take down waves of enemies.
However, considering that you can earn power-ups, chests and currency by completing the missions, which you can use to get more powerful weapons and armors, it would make you want to work harder. However, it would still take several tries before you get enough amount to purchase the items that you need unless you want to use real cash.