Avastthar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be having an app review for ye. Hold on to your horses and widen yer deadlights as we betakin’ a very challenging game called the Hardest Game Ever. Learn more about it with this Hardest Game Ever 1 review.
Basic Game Play
The Hardest Game Ever 1or Hardest Game Ever – 0.02s is a free game from Orangenose Studio. This is the same developer who brought other mind-boggling games including Hardest Game Ever 2, Stupidness 3 and What’s My IQ. A Pro version is available, which comes with a cost. If you don’t want to spend any dollar, then you can go with this free version. It comes with 8 stages and 3 challenging levels, which are easy, normal and crazy. The 8 stages offer different things for you to do including cutting a vegetable into two equal parts and tapping the screen when you see three similar items.
The challenges may sound simple and easy to complete. But when you start playing the game, you would know that it is really what its title says; it’s really the hardest game that you would ever play or at least one of the hardest. Most of the stages have time limits. They require fast reflexes, perfect timing, fast decision making and eye and hand coordination. You cannot move on to the next stage unless you complete the previous stage. You can earn up to 5 stars on each stage, which will give you 10 additional levels. Go with the easy difficulty level first because it is hard enough to complete. The good news is that you can try as many times as you want until you finish the stage or get 5 stars.
Graphics and Sounds
The graphics is basic yet clean, which is perfect for the game since you need to see things clearly to be able to make the best move. The sound of a ticking clock can be heard on the stages that have time limit, which can make you feel nervous and excited at the same time. There are also sounds on every tap you make on the screen, as well as when you get your score. If you fail, you will even hear your character cry.
Sometime this marvelous app reminds me of my everlasting journey on the vicious seven seas. Aye, let me tell you matey all bout’ this. A Captain like me has to sleep with one eye open always! Me bunch of misfits seadogs crew always need some attention as they lack the wits to maintain the their life, let alone my ship by themselves.. Arrr!
The Verdict
If you like challenging games, Hardest Game Ever is a must try application. If you do not have the patience, then this is not for you as you would surely find yourself failing several times before you can complete most of the stages. It has a replay value since even if you already completed the stages, you would want to keep trying to get 5 stars and get the extra levels of the game. If you want to play more stages, you can get the pro version. But the free version is good enough as it is hard to complete the stages on all difficulty levels, especially the crazy level.