Avast thar ye swabbies! Me sea legs be settlin’ in the briny deep and me crew and I be addled from all the swashbucklin’ we be having. Aye, before I get to me rope’s end, I be having an app review for ye. This new application is called Contactive. Here is the story behind this precious gem.
Find Out Who’s Calling
When an unknown number calls you on your mobile phone, it’s sometimes difficult to decide if you’ll pick it up or not. It could be an unwanted call or it could also be an important one. It’s hard to determine since you do not have any information until you answer the call. Contactive can resolve this problem for you. Even if the number is not in your address book, it will display the information of the caller including the name, company, etc. You might be wondering how the application does that, right? It searches the number online to collect information on various sites including Skype, Gmail, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Places, Yelp, Tango, WhatsApp and Twitter.
Contactive also has a Global Directory, which it also uses for finding details regarding the number. It does not violate the privacy of people since only the information available in public are accessed and shown. This is the same information that you would see if you do the research by yourself. However, the only difference is that the application can do the search much faster and more efficient that it can deliver the information quickly. This means that if there is no information about the number that is publicly available on the Internet, no information will be shown. As mentioned, it gathers the data that it shows on your phone when someone calls online.
Be Up to Date
Aside from showing you who is calling, Contactive also creates an address book that is separate from the native contacts on your phone. You may connect to the different social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and get the recent updates from their accounts. This is convenient as you don’t have to sign in from one account to another if you wish to check on the latest updates on your friends. There are also times that you run out of things to say when talking to someone. This app can help avoid that awkward moment as you can easily check on the person’s information to have an idea on the things that would keep your conversation interesting.
This is not a perfect app as there are times that information displayed on the contacts is incorrect. There are several reasons for this and one of the common causes is that a contact may use different names on his various accounts. But the good thing about this is that the developers welcome users to send in their concerns so they can address them. Safe to say that with time Contactive will be a precious pearl from the Davey Jones Locker. Aye, i have heard the legends tell of this mysterious place my lads and lassies!
Contactive is an easy to use and helpful application that is a must try for users. Get information for unknown numbers so you can immediately decide if you’ll pick the call or not. It is also for free so you will not spend a single dollar on this app. But it is only available for Android users so if you are using another OS, you will not be able to use Contactive.