Ahoy there, mateys! It’s time once for me and me hearties to bring you a new app ta sink your wooden teeth into. Puzzlin’ games have always astounded me. I, the smart captain that I am, constantly find myself stumped by puzzles. Be it Sudoku or that cursed beast Om Nom, I always I get stuck and marooned on a virtual island. O’ course, that don’t mean I don’t love these kind o’ teasers. On the contrary, me and me crew devour anything needin’ solving. So, when 2048 was finally spat out unto the app store, I had to dock at the nearest port just to download this cursed game.
2048: Simple and Clean
The first thing you’ll probably notice about this game is the minimalist theme. There is little going on when you start the game up. All you’ll see is the 4×4 grid filled with tiles and numbers.
In many respects, this helps players on the task at hand rather than be distracted by fancy visuals. Movement and animations are also very smooth to watch.
Dangerously Addictive Gameplay
The thing about games likes these is that they are easy to play but notoriously hard to master. The core mechanics of the game are simple; you have to add up similarly numbered tiles until you hit 2048. However, there is a twist to the game that makes it even harder. Whenever you swipe tiles into one another, other tiles follow and new numbers take old spaces.
The constant motion of the board is hard to follow, and one mistake might end your run quite quickly. You see, if you let the board fill up to the brim, then you fail the game. Finally, the game also imposes one iron rule; the fewer tiles you use the better your scar. Of course, despite these two rules the game manages to shine as a great example in the puzzler genre.
Finals Words
Lastly, there is also a multiplayer mode and an online leaderboard. Which means you can also compete for a space on the board. Overall, every mechanic placed in this game is really tightly tuned, which only serves to further refine this game.
The minimalistic thing really works for this game in a big way. Everything from start screen to the grid are simplified so that there aren’t many distractions. The gameplay is what really pushes 2048 forward.
No matter how challenging it is, you’ll be sinking tons of time and attention into the game. Each spare minute you have will be spent trying to figure out the proper, more efficient solutions. In fact, you can probably learn two or three new things just by watching guides for the game.
Overall, it’s highly suggested that you grab the game now. However, if you can’t get your hands on a copy, the game is also free on desktop browsers. As a little footnote, you can also lookup flappy 2048. It’s a game that combines every challenging feature of each game so be wary.