
Inkboard Review

On October 5, 2015

Inkboard Icon

Ahoy there me hearties! I hope ye all doin’ fine ‘acause yer friendly app pirate is surely having a fun time with the whole screw. We just got back from a treasure hunting in one island that we passed by and we were able to get loads of booties! We had lots of rum too for our celebration.  Don’t ye worry me lads and lasses, this old salt isn’t drunk so I can still share with you an app review. For today, we’ll talk about this app called Inkboard by, Inc. Avast ye as we’ll now start with the review.

It’s Intuitive

Inkboard Review

Inkboard is an app that would let you draw in an existing picture on your phone or on a blank canvass using various colors of pens. It also comes with a keyboard where you can type in texts to add on your artwork. It’s very straightforward so you wouldn’t have any difficulties using it even when you’re new to it. It’s as simple as choosing the photo you wish to work on and unleashing your creativity until you’re satisfied with it. This is a lot easier than editing photos on your computer with paint as you’ll have more control drawing with your fingers on your mobile device, although obviously it has a smaller screen. It’s responsive so you’ll be able to get the job done and get the result that you want.

Fantastic Collections of Pens

Inkboard App

There are different types and colors of pens available, as well as erasers so you can erase anything that you don’t want to be there. This is different than coloring with pens on a paper as you would not be able to remove the ink once you drew on it. It’s cool how you can quickly undo any mistakes or redo something that you mistakenly undo. It’s easy to choose from these pens as you just have to swipe and tap on the one that you wish to use.

Easy Sharing

Sharing your artwork is very easy. You don’t have to keep your work to yourself or have difficulties opening another app and searching for the photo that you wish to share. Its share function allows you to immediately share them on various social media sites including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

The Good

One of the good things that I like about this app is that it offers fun pens that come in varying colors. It’s nice how you can play with a picture or a blank canvass and come with a cool job. I also like how easy it is to erase unwanted colors or undo a step that you just did as it makes it simpler to get the result that you want.

The Bad

Some users experience freezing when using the keyboard feature of the app. However, this doesn’t happen all the time and closing and opening the app, or closing other apps that might be opened would usually resolve the issue, so it’s not really a huge deal breaker.

The Verdict

Inkboard is a nice app to use as it lets you have fun through drawing on existing pictures or empty canvass, as well as unleash your creativity at the same time. It’s recommended that you get this app especially if you are into art.

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