Though me and me crew have seen a large part of the sea and the oceans, I’ve never seen a bear. Aye, that is true me mateys, I have never been so deep up in the north, nor have I been landlocked so far that I found one ‘o these might beasts. Of course, now that I have me smart phone and me iPad, I can see bears all I want. By Poseidon’s mighty trident, I have also seen a bear play hockey, though little of hockey I know of it is quite a bit of fun. So in this review, why don’t we open up the chest of booty, and drag up Ice Rage.
The Ice Rage Appeal
Hockey has always been a favored sport ‘o mine and that is simply because me and me crew have often been trapped near frozen lakes when we delve into the northern parts of the world. Of course, the cursed sun would often break the ice when we were at the height of our games, so we end up leaving the winter for better places. So I found another way to quell me crew’s wants by getting Ice Rage. If ye’ve ever played minigore, then ye’d know who Enviro-bear is and in this game he takes the spotlight. The game is quite simple in that ye control two bears against and opposing team in a game of hockey. While it does not involve a lot of the rules in the true game, it does remain a fun, but very simple game.
Ye are tasked with getting as high a score as you can against the other bears through shooting the puck at the proper times. Of course to oppose the other shooter, you can also beat them senseless until they give up and let ye steal and attempt to shoot. Beyond the shooting, there is little else to do beyond defending yer goalie to the fullest extent of your capabilities.
There are varying levels of difficulty in this game, and while the first two are quite simple, the third makes all the difference. You see, in the third selection ye also have to control the goalie’s movement, though it can get a bit annoyin’ because the controls to move the goalie be also the ones ye control the attacker with. This will in turn, really make the game more challenging for those that seek that sort of gameplay. At the same time, ye can share the experience with another matey of yours even if they do not own a smart phone to call their own. Aye, ye heard right, two player is possible through another set of controls when ye select the mode. Although the best way to enjoy this is to do this on your iPad for a better space to play on.
Graphically, there is really not much to mention. While the game doesn’t impress, it surely does not look like a moldy ship under disrepair either. The levels presented to ye are often cramped and feel very empty even when they are occupied by four full players. Enviro-Bear does look adorable though, and with guest appearances by John Gore, ye’d surely get a kick if ye were a fan of Minigore.
How does Ice Rage Stack up?
While me and me crew did enjoy replacing our pastime, we also found that this wasn’t the best treasure that we happened upon. Aye, the game be simple, but it also offers so little even with the multiplayer intact. There are no achievements or score boards, much like the older hockey titles. After the first play through, me and me hearties found it harder to pick it up once more, however it was fun while it lasted.