On the ship we maintain, thar should be only one rat that belongs on the seas. That is my pet Ratty, who we found scurryin’ around in me personal quarters hidden in my duffel. O’ course, other creatures are welcome aboard, as long it can make me smile wider than the great Wall ‘o China, but rats beyond me Ratty, we treat like rotten meals. We throw ’em overboard when we land near a port because we be gentler souls than some land lubbers might think. The only reason why we do this is to prevent ’em from eating through our meals before castoff even begins. For game rats to exist on our ship, well, that is completely fine.
The Rat on a Skateboard
Ratty often reminds me of a younger time, as he is sprightly for a rodent. I can say the same about the rat in this title, who is also named Ratty, for he seems to enjoy skateboarding quite a lot. This be the main strength of the game and rolling along in increasingly difficult levels is a joy. Not to be limited the game also brings along the tricks that come with skateboarding, and while they are simplified in this title, they serve to make the ride even better.
The Game Modes
As with other games of the same nature, ye have perform these tricks to get higher scores on each level. The first tap makes Ratty jump, while tappin’ him in mid air causes him to perform tricks. The first tap is a simple kickflip, the second makes a 360 flip, the third a triple kickflip, and finally, the master flip on the fourth tap. If ye be too slow however, ye’d be hard pressed to perform better because these scores can land ye a place in an online leader board.
To break up the standard fare, Rat on a skateboard also has a little treasure trove of extra modes where you can test your skills. The first of which is the endless mode, where a level is randomly spawned and obstacles come fast like blasts of winds during dark storms on the sea. Another variation ‘o this mode drops infinite banana peels down from the sky in an attempt to make Ratty slip up. If ye be skilled enough, then this level will become a fun and challengin’ because each peel you avoid will rack up with your score.
The last mode is broken into 30 different levels and is basically a challenge mode. Here, ye are made to create as many flips as you while ye collect treasure on yer way to the end of the level. Obstacles remain the same after each play through, so the true challenge is beating your old score for each level. Surprisingly enough, I did get addicted to challenge mode more than the previous two game types. Every time me score would be lower than 3 stars, I’d find new vigor to try again which kept me comin’ back to the game.
The Colorful Ratty
Probably one more charmin’ thing about this game is that the levels are pretty. The random creations also bode quite a bit ‘o challenge and they make each romp more satisfyin’ than the last. On top of that, Ratty is also quite the adorable little rodent with his little safety helmet on. The art is simple, but attractive, and the game moves along in a pace by which you can enjoy how the game feels.
Should ye Lay Hands on this Game?
Rat on a Skateboard is one o’ ’em unique titles where ye truly have fun playing the little rodent. There be enough game modes so that ye remain satisfied for a long time, and beating old scores really does amplify the replay-ability of the game, so aye, ye should buy this game. Say farewell to yer friend, the App Pirate until the next review, for I will see if I can get me rat to play a real life version o’ this game on the poop deck.