
Relax Melodies: Sleep and Yoga Review

On February 22, 2016

Relax Melodies Icon

Aye, aye, me hearties! Your friendly app pirate is back from an exciting booty hunting adventure and here to give you a new find in the app world. When sailing in the sea, the sound of the waves makes me relax so I could easily go to sleep at night and at times, even when looking up the ship’s deck. Har, har, har! I miss this sound when we go on a vacation on the land, which makes it difficult for me to sleep. Me and me crew learned about this app that I will share with ye right now. It’s called Relax Melodies: Sleep and Yoga and it helped me get to sleep when out of the sea. Avast ye and let’s begin this review me lads and lasses.

Several Relaxing Sounds to Put You to Sleep

Relax Melodies App

There are 52 different sounds to choose from including river, rain, winds, orchestral and ocean. You could listen to them one by one or combine your favorites together and save them so you can just select one of them depending on your mood. You can make as many combinations as you like. One of the good things about this app is that it doesn’t need a headset. You could play and listen to it using the built-in speaker on your phone. Plus, you may choose on the binaural beat frequency depending on what you wish to achieve like getting to sleep, being more focused or relaxing without sleeping. The options would tell you what they are for, which is helpful, especially for first time users.

Comes with a Timer

Relax Melodies Timer

This is a good feature of the app as this is one way of saving battery life. You may choose how long you wish to play the sound. This ranges from a few minutes to a few hours. There’s also this option to customize the timer so you could set your own play time. If you get to sleep, the app would automatically stop, thus saving battery life. This is also a great way to relax while on a short break or nap.

Also Serves as an Alarm Clock

While this may be effective in putting you to sleep. You may also be worried about not waking up in time for your schedule ahead. The app also comes with an alarm clock that you could set to wake you up and not be late for work, school or your other commitments.

Great Interface

Relax Melodies has a beautiful interface. Even its design is relaxing on the eyes. It has a blue background with clouds and hanging images of the sound options that would remind you of toys that are often hang on a baby’s crib.

Thumbs Up

The app is user friendly so it’s easy to navigate. It comes with several sounds that you can mix and save, which you can then play when you wish to relax or go to sleep. The app also comes with a timer that would close the app once it reaches the set duration, as well as an alarm clock that would wake you up and prevent you from being late.

Thumbs Down

There are only limited options when it comes to the binaural sounds.

The Verdict

Relax Melodies offers relaxing sound that could effectively make you feel relaxed and help you go to sleep. It’s highly recommended that you download this app, especially if you are having difficulties going to sleep or you wish to relax on a stressful day.

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