Becomin’ old is a pirate’s greatest fear. The sea is not kind to the elderly and often more cruel because ‘o the savage waves that come straight from the depths of Davey Jones’ locker. Aye, if yer old pal the App pirate were to grow aged and haggard, I would not dare step on another ship again in me life. So to plan for it, I wanted to make sure just exactly what I looked like when I had aged beyond my prime and into the golden years of me life. Strangely enough, there be an app for that, and as an app, it is a very fun one at that. Much like the previous review for Fatify, this app takes current pictures of you and alters them to hilarious effect.
What the Big Difference is between the Two?
As the similar title styling might suggest, both Fatify and Oldify have the same nature of modification in pictures. What ye might not have known is that both ‘o these apps are by the same people and company, so you can expect that a lot of the features they have in one, they carry over to the other. However, before ye dismiss this app and just say that thar be nothin’ new about it; remember that they alter in different ways. The old effect and the fat effect are pretty unique in their own little details and nothing was spared in checking every pore and wrinkle. At the same time, ye can do different things with yer newly formed avatar, so ye can have a blast just playin’ around for a while.
The Unique Details to Oldify
Between the two the apps have some very common things that they do share. For one, they both be of a high quality, boasting a simple interface and quick to pickup controls. Another thing is that both apps can utilize the front and back cameras of the iPhone. Of course, both apps feature fairly simple control schemes and the GUI in each is very user friendly, so no one can really get lost with the controls in terms of these two programs. However, this is also where the similarities stop, because now we mention how Oldify works.
When you take a picture of yerself, the app asks that ye align two circles to highlight yer eyes. After that, ye be then treated to the picture that yer lookin’ for. The old version of yerself is very wrinkled, and no doubt, very tired lookin’ as well. In the small level of details, Oldify does its job very well because the distortions and effects are not completely prominent. Each wrinkle does look as if it had been a part of your face for a long time. Rather than other effects, where the wrinkles are super imposed upon a face, it melds the picture instead so the effect is even better served. They also don’t forget any o’ the details that make up an older looking face. The eyes are slightly drooped, while the cheeks are now almost pulled back and at the same time, drooping. Skin under the eyes looks like it had been dipped in ink. The best way to describe the portrait, is to actually look it up yerself on the internet.
The Bottom Line
If ye had enjoyed the Fatify app, then thar should be nothin’ stoppin’ ye from grabbin’ this one and trying’ it out. No doubt ye’d find somethin’ new to play with, and this be just one o’ those things ye can try out. Besides, it fills yer iPhone with somethin’ new to try rather than just a new title to be playin with. Arr, now since ye know a little more about this app, then my job is done. ‘Tis time for me to set off once more, so until the next review brings me back to yer shores.