
Hidden Objects Messy Kitchen Review

On March 27, 2017

Hidden Objects Messy Kitchen Icon

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! One of the things that this old salt love to do aside from booty hunting and playing with me pet, is cook and eat! Aye, the crew love me cooking. I am the self-proclaimed chef of the good old Jolly Roger! I keep me kitchen full and clean. ‘Tis a lot easier to cook when ‘tis not messy. I found this app called Hidden Objects Messy Kitchen by Midva and it brought out the OCD in cleanliness in me. Doesn’t sound like a pirate, aye? But I am really like that. Har, har, har. I know ye lads and lasses are excited about the review so let’s start.

Fantastic 3D Graphics

Hidden Objects Messy Kitchen Review

The 3D graphics of the game is a winner! It looks real so you’ll feel like you’re exploring on a real kitchen, with all the utensils, kitchen appliances, and foods. There are also different themes on various levels so you are not stuck with just one background. There are a variety of objects to find but since they look real, it will be easy to determine that they are the ones you are looking for, although they are not always exactly easy to find.

Simple to Play But Challenging and Fun

The basic gameplay is pretty simple. You will be given objects to find on each level and you have to find them as fast as you can to the needed points or stars to move to the next level. This may sound very easy, but the challenge is looking for the items as the kitchen is messy and it has a lot of stuffs all around. This is what makes it fun because it wouldn’t be exciting and challenging if you can just easily see the objects you’re trying to find. Well, in this game anyway because that wouldn’t be fun in real life, right?

Free to Play But with Advertisements

If you are a fun of free games, this is another one to put on your list. You can play this for free, but it comes with advertisements and in-app purchases. The advertisements can be annoying since they pop-up. Plus, you sometimes get notifications to play the game when you’re already playing it.

Will Keep You Occupied for Hours

There are hundreds of objects to find, which means hours of playing time. This is a great way to keep you occupied when you’re bored, trying to pass time, on a long ride, or on a quick break. It has a pause option so you can go back playing anytime.

The Ups

The 3D graphics is a winner. You’ll feel like you’re in a real kitchen. It’s easy to play but is challenging enough to keep you want to play more. It’s a great way to keep you occupied.

The Downs

There are advertisements and notices that can be annoying when playing.

The Verdicts

Although there are some annoying advertisements, which is typical on most free to play games, this is a great game for those who are into hidden object puzzle games. If you’re one of these people or you want a game that you can play to pass time, give Hidden Objects Messy Kitchen a try.

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