
Eatventure Review

On July 26, 2023

Eatventure Icon

Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me lads and lasses! If ye think that buckos from different ships always fight with each other, that’s not true. Because there are friendly pirates who get along well like us. Every now and then, we’ll have some events in the middle of the ocean. Aye, we also do that. Just recently, we had food stalls and sold or traded our products. Ours sold like hot cakes. Of course, ye know how we are so good in cooking that even the other buccaneers love what we prepared. My love for cooking also transcends in games. Batten down the hatches as I present to you the review of the app called Eatventure by Lessmore UG.

It has adorable graphics

Eatventure Review

The graphics are not like the out of this world 3D graphics that you will find in most of the new games today. It’s also 3D but the images are more like for kids, which make the game more adorable. Also, you’ll be in a third-person point of view, so you will not see much of the foods and appliances in detail, unlike when you are in a first-person point of view. 

It’s a good time-waster

Eatventure App

It’s like any other restaurant management game where you need to serve your customers and grow your business. But what’s good about this is that you will start with a lemonade stand and grow from there. It’s exciting to see the progress that you will have in the game. Since it mostly requires tapping to serve customers, it can be considered as a time-waster, and it can be a fun one. 

It’s free and the ads are not forced

It’s a game that you can get and play for free. There are also ads, but you can watch them only if you want to. You will not be forced to watch them, so you can enjoy the game without the annoying ads popping up everywhere. Also, if you decide to watch, you will get a prize that you can use in growing your business. Unfortunately, there are times that you would not get the reward promised.

You can keep earning while offline

As mentioned, this is also an idle game. So, you can keep earning even while offline. There are upgrades that you can get that will let you earn more  even when not online. It’s also a game that you can check out every now and then. 

Thumbs up

The game is free and there are no forced ads. You can watch the ads only when you want and you will be rewarded for doing so. It has simple yet adorable graphics and it’s a fun idle game that will keep you earning even when offline. 

Thumbs down

There are instances where you don’t get the rewards or prizes that you should get from watching the ads.

The verdict

Eatventure is for those who are into restaurant management games. It’s free, fun, and it will keep you occupied as it’s an enjoyable time-waster. It’s free and it also doesn’t have forced ads. Plus, you will get rewarded for watching ads, only if you want. 

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