Well, hey thar me fellow buckeroos, the app pirate is back. I bring ye a game called Agent Dash and me bum leg that keeps beggin’ me to never run again. Aye, ya guessed it right, Agent Dash is another runner – a runnin’ game, where all your character does is run, run, and run. So, how is it? Well, it’s like Calypso, ya’ll never really know until she lets ya see her. But, just for ye, here is me review.
Run and Keep Running
The churn of runner apps never seems to stop. Ever since Temple Run shocked the gaming community with its phenomenal concept, every developer from here to Timbuktu thinks they can make their own runner app that could rival its predecessor’s greatness. Well, to put it to you straight, Agent Dash is one runner that falls short, but close enough.
In Agent Dash, you play a suave, collected, highly fit, tuxedo-donning secret agent. And like the Indiana Jones-like character in Temple Run, the secret agent is continuously running. The only difference is that there are no crazy gorillas running after him. Nope, in Agent Dash, your character is running simply because he needs to get somewhere fast and furious. So, as the player, it is your duty to guide him through all the obstacles. Jump, slide, and shoot your way through. And along the way, collect as many power ups and crystals as you can in order to last longer and get a higher score. Yes, you guessed that one right too, the game is just pure endless running.
Controlling the Secret Agent
The controls, like in every endless runner, are simple. Slide your fingers from left to right and vice versa to move. Swipe up and the secret agent will do a leap. Swipe down and he will slide. Tap the screen, and Mr. Agent man will whip out his guns and shoot away. Of course, he will only do that if there are enemies in site. Don’t worry, targeting is automatic. Just tap and the system will do everything else.
The controls are super responsive and accurate. So, if you are concerned with that bit, there really isn’t anything to worry about. The game, however, handles much better on the iPad then any iPhone below the iPhone 5.
Upgrade and Power Up
Like every other game in this category, expect to die a lot. It is perfectly normal since the game does show varying degrees of difficulty. As you get the feel for it, you will begin to play more confidently and surely. And with the help of various character upgrades and power ups, you can actually manage to last longer.
There are tons of power ups available such as jetpacks, which allow the character to fly off and skip areas with ease, and magnets that can help you collect all the crystals you come across without having to go near them. Unfortunately, these power ups as well as all the special upgrades, costumes, and added characters can cost quite a few crystals – probably more than you can collect. This forces you to either keep playing to amass more crystals or spend actual money on the game. The former is a better choice, obviously.
The Bottom Line
While Agent Dash may not be a game that will revolutionize the genre or topple Temple Run’s historical success, it is still a worthwhile app to download and play. Why? Because it is free, fun to play, and has pretty decent graphics as well as great controls. If you are looking for entertainment to pass the time away, this may just be your cup of tea.

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