On me ship, there be many different people from many different ports. Regardless of what they may have been before, I’ve always maintained they’re right ta keep their private life private. I, meself, don’t like ta talk about the kids I pillage for on the shore as it can be used against me. Privacy be a big thing when ye have ta share yer ship with a hundred different people, but I don’t apply that me medicine.
Every time we take leave on the beach, I make sure that me first mate watches our medicine man as he buys his wares from the different clinics on shore. I do trust the dog with me life, but I only do so when I be in full knowledge of what he’s been usin’ on us. He’s sketchy, ta say the least, which is why I made this Amateur Surgeon 3 review, cause it remind me so much of his methods.
The Game
If you’re any bit familiar with how Adult Swim works, then you already know that anything the studio makes is a bit on the adult side. Everything from their cartoons, to more recently, their games are firmly based on satirical humor with a lot of violent themes and mature content. Amateur Surgeon puts you in the shoes of a way off brand doctor who uses many different means to save his patients.
Most of those times, those methods are questionable because you usually tools like pizza cutter or super glue to fix your patients. In all that hectic DIY style surgery, there is a certain structure that this game follows. For example before you can save a crash survivor, you first have to close up any internal wounds and then fix the lacerations on the flesh. The whole game plays like a weird and very macabre point and click adventure game, but isn’t without its charms.
The Gameplay
First off, there are a lot of different cases you’ll have to fix in order to help your patient. Sometimes, it can be as basic as embedded glass shards, to something as complicated as piranhas eating away at your patients. The sheer variety of how many cases you’ll have to deal with is fun, and enhances each experience. At the same time, your limited tools make each case even more exciting, so there’s no question about re-playability.
While this game does present a unique experience and a new approach to simple and instance based pointy, clicky games, its still follows the flash game look. Everything in this title looks like it was drawn through a tablet and enhanced in Photoshop, but it is a decent looking title. Each injury feels unique, and most of the animations are sort of adorable in their own, disturbing way. Overall, the look hasn’t changed much from the first title.
The Verdict
While there are 2 other titles in this series, Adult Swim always manages to shake up the formula. This game is a romp for people that like their humor sort of dark and gory. At the same time, it’s made by the guys who thought up Robot Unicorn Attack, so you know there’s always something new going on in this game.