Gangway, laddie! There be dangers upon us and it be up to me, the App Pirate, to keelhaul all these monsters and make ‘em dance with Jack Ketch! Aye, while we be fightin’ for we lives here, there be an app you can play on ye mobile which’ll give ye the same adventures as we seadogs be having. Arcane Legends is the name, and killin’ monsters be the game!
Arcane Legends: An Overview
This is one of the latest releases in the world of MMORPG gaming and it undoubtedly stands out against any other game. If you aren’t familiar with the term yet, MMORPG stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. As the genre suggests, Arcane Legends is a game which you can play online and be involved in a massive environment which you can team up with other players.
Arcane Legends allows you to choose a character type among three classes: a warrior, mage or a rogue. Depending on which skill set you want, each character has its own characteristics that are very unique. So like most of the RPGs you may have come across, the story here is simple: defeat evil and vanquish your enemies. You can level up your character and become the strongest warrior there is, matching it with awesome gear and finding treasures of the rare kind.
Game Play and Controls
Arcane Legends is a definite step up from its predecessor, Dark Legends, which fans of the series were quite disappointed with. The developers really made sure that this time, fans will find another reason to fall in love with the series all over again. Other than being able to play online with other players of Arcane Legends, what sets this game apart are the in-game pets you can use while fighting your enemies. You can choose a tortoise, a dog or any animal that is available. The game play is that of the hack-and-slash type. This means, you just walk your way around killing everything that stands in your way.
The big difference is, this one has pets, which help you collect the loot so you don’t have to. Then, there is the pairing system with other players. Simply walk over to an area where other players are and you can choose to partner up with them if you want.
Almost Perfect But..
Like some games that are free to download, Arcane Legends will offer you tons of awesome items you can use for a price. Although it is not essential, the game makes it appear that the gaming experience will definitely be enhanced if you buy some of the greater items that are for sale. While not necessarily a downside, it does catch you off guard seeing as you would need to keep your credit card with you most of the time.
All in all, even if this is another installment in the “Legends” series, Arcane Legends still has a lot to offer. As a mobile MMORPG, it simply stands out against the rest of the competition. The game play, graphics, storyline and ease of use are good enough for you to remain interested in the game for a long time. As a multiplayer game, you simply just won’t quit after the campaign mode unlike other games. Here, you can continue to level up your character and play with or against players of the game. Best of all, Arcane Legends is free to download and play!