Avast ye landlubber, we be approaching land. Can’t wait to get to me old ball and chain and me little ones. We’ve been at sea for several months and I be missin’ them so. But afore the App Pirate gets home, I be leavin’ ye with a few more of me reviews, beginning’ with this Battle Alert review here.
The Game Play
Battle Alert is a real time strategy (RTS) game that comes with a campaign mode and PvP or player versus player mode, where you can fight against other players. If you have played strategy games before, you will not have a hard time learning how to play the game because it follows the basic game play of the games under the same genre.
You basically need to build and upgrade defenses in order to protect your base and become more powerful when being attacked, as well as when attacking the enemies. Since this is a straightforward game, even those who are new to RTS games can easily adapt to this one. It is simple yet challenging at the same time since you cannot just fight other players without strengthening your defense.
What separates this game from most RTS is that it has more characters and items available. In other RTS games, resources are often scarce, which is not the same as this one. By completing missions, you will not just level up and be able to upgrade your units; you will also gain loots that can help you in building the defense of your base.
Graphics and Sound
The graphics make the game fun to play. The characters are cartoonish, which is another thing that separates this from other RTS war games. Most characters in war games often look fierce and serious. This is something refreshing for this type of genre. The background music, as well as the sounds from the characters makes it livelier.
There are landscapes that do not have much graphics but the great look of the buildings, characters and units make up for it. For the purpose of this game, the graphics are perfect. You know, the characters kinda remind me of my goofy ship crew, i should have them scallywag maggots scrub the poop deck real good this time’round. Ha!
The Verdict
This game is highly recommended for those who are just starting to play real time strategy game. Its basic and straightforward game play will make it easy for players to adapt to the game, even if they have not tried this genre before. Furthermore, it comes with a tutorial on the first part that will tell everything you need to know to survive. Long time RTS players may not find it different from the rest as it follows the same build and upgrade game play. However, they may still find it interesting to play because of the many options it brings when it comes to the units, buildings and upgrades.
The PvP mode also adds fun, excitement and challenge to the game as you will be fighting with other players to determine the strongest player. This application is available for free so there is no cost to get it. But there are in app purchases that could be tempting to buy at times in order to get the items you need.