Shiver me timber land lubber! When I was a young lad I would hurry off to me house’s door step every morning. And for what you might ask? For the morning dailies! And the morning newspaper is my booty for one of my favorite ole school game, the crossword puzzle. Arrrr box after box I fill them all with letters to complete the whole puzzle. I kept playing me favorite game even as I went to pirate college. But in the high seas, there are no newspaper delivery boy to deliver my source of crossword puzzle. Days and days of no newspaper meant no crossword puzzles. It is a good thing I downloaded a crossword puzzle on my mobile device. Here is what I think of this mobile gaming app, here is my review for crosswords.
Did They Play Around Too Much?
There were many attempts to create a cool word puzzle game in the early Facebook days. However, the real deal, the original piece, the Crosswords were not yet put on the mobile game app genre. The idea is to bring the concept of daily challenges of word puzzles into the mobile platform is brought to light by PuzzleSocial. The mobile game app developer is making this crossword crazy pirate very happy with their game.
Puzzled by the Crossword Puzzle?
Arrr you land lubber, you get your newspaper daily. It will be really shameful for you not to know how to play the game of crossword puzzle. But since this is me favorite game, I will share to you how it is played. Here is a refresher on how to enjoy the Crossword puzzle. The game has a big board with blank boxes. You must fill those boxes with the correct letters to form the right words. And each letter must intersect the right way. Do not worry mate, you will not be aiming at blanks. There will be clues. The clues might be ambiguous. But they are clues nonetheless. It is also indicated if the clues pertain to a word that can be filled out across or downward. This is pretty much your traditional way of playing the game. But like what they say, do not fix a thing that is not broke. And oh boy is the crossword puzzle game perfect for this pirate.
Clues, Clues, Clues
The clue might be tough to guess or to arrive at. But here are two tips when looking at the clues. Always think that the word can either be from the category of general knowledge and or vocabulary. These two categories might not lessen the options but it is good help nonetheless. Any clue is very much appreciated in filling out the puzzle board completely. The mobile gaming app offers a special feature that you do not get from newspaper cross puzzle and that is online coaching. In the mobile gaming app, if you have incorrect letters, it is highlighted. In a way, this helps you in narrowing down the options. Playing crosswords in the newspapers, you will not get the answer until next day’s copy of the dailies.
The Word on Game Mode
In the newspaper, there is only one way to play the game. And it is against yourself. In the mobile game app, there are several ways to play the crossword puzzle. One way is through a tournament. This is the type where you advance puzzle after puzzle. There is another mode and this is the head-to-head, mano-a-mano. The mode judges one-on-one competition that highlights your speed of solving the puzzle. Another highlight is how accurate you were in solving.
The mobile game app, Crosswords is a good version of the newspaper classic. And the fun things is you can even save trees in playing this game. Arrr!