Blimey! What is that I be seeing on the horizon?! Be it a dragon?! Man yer stations, me hands! Ahoy there, laddie. Me pirate eyes better be working or I be an addled fool if that thing yonder turn out to be something else. Avast! Before anything else be happening, allow me to tell ye about Dragon and Dracula, a new game for ye Android device! Thrills, frills and lotsa lotsa flogging await ye when ye play this game!
A New Twist to an Old Tale
If there is one thing that you never thought would be possible to put together in a story, that would be dragons and vampires. Well, it is now a reality and what’s more is that Dragon and Dracula can be found in a game. In this game, you take the role of a baby dragon as the last of its kind.
You are under the threat of Dracula, an evil vampire and his minions. The goal of the entire game is to defeat these enemies and grow up quickly in order to do so. Dragon and Dracula is a new twist on the old genre of side-scrolling arcade action, surely to give you a whole new meaning of the word “adventure”.
Game Play
Without any tomfoolery, this game is quite hard to beat. It is fun, but there are literally tons of enemies and dangers that are always on your path in every level. The controls are not that hard to manage since it is a side-scrolling arcade game, after all. However, earlier versions of the game did encounter some challenges in moving the character. Although they are not that obvious, the controls are on the screen. The left side is for controlling the movement of the dragon and the right side is for actions. Be careful, though. One wrong tap and you can fall into a pit and its game over.
Dragon and Dracula Features
As previously mentioned, this is a side-scrolling game which means it is in 2D. There are 25 levels in this game which has numerous enemies, fearsome bosses and hostile environments that you will need to face. Starting out as a very yound dragon, there are three ways in which you will mature thus defining the outcome of the game. You will also be able to become stronger by developing your abilities as you play the game and move on to harder levels.
In addition, you will also be able to customize how your dragon will look like by adding some adornments as the game calls it. Although they serve little purpose, it makes your dragon look way cooler. Another stand out feature Dragon and Dracula has is its awesome soundtrack, which makes playing the game even more intense!
Dragon and Dracula is indeed a fun game that goes through 25 levels. Now when you finish the game, it doesn’t mean there is no fun left. You can replay it and beat your own high scores to get a better ranking in the game center. This is a game that is well worth your money, for sure.