Arr, if thar be only one thing me and me crew fear with much prejudice, it be the sea leviathan. O’ course, one cannot disregard the unholy zombie threat, but when those shambling monsters are on land the leviathan would stalk us on the sea. The creature, wherever it may have spawned, towers high above me and me hearties, arcing and readying its fangs to take us down to Davey Jones’ locker. However, legends once said that if ye be of stout heart and strong will, ye can tame one of these sea-beasts and become its undeniable master. Much like dragons of old and the legends spread about it on land. Which is why me tale for today is all about Dragon Story.
So thus begins another tale, one where ye be the teller and ye conquer the mighty beast called dragon. But how does this game stack up on Smart Phones?
The Game Mechanics of Dragon Story
As a corsair, I never truly thought that I’d be a very good breeder of anythin’. The seven seas are a lonely place, and besides me crew, my only company is Ratty, my pet and not the game character. In this title, the breeding is fictionalized o’course, but that doesn’t stop the whole thing from being fun. Like many other titles o’ the breeding sort, ye get to start out with only a few child like dragons. It be yer task to raise these dragons until they are strong enough to finally take wing and breed for ye. This is done through streamlined interface, wherein choices are limited and menus are less clustered.
When the dragons are much older, or at least at level 4, ye can then start mixing them in order to make even better offspring. O’ course, the main stipulation be that the best dragons come from smart breeding choices, and improved harvestin’ and feedin’. You also have to build new habitats for the dragons when ye are simply out of space. Lastly, the best characteristics of the game is that each dragon you hatch is very unique, and they will spawn their own personalities over time. That’s right, the development team really did want to immerse players into the full experience.
It is evident from the simple design choice that a lot of the influence comes from Pokemon, and while it may not be the ideal replacement, it should be noted the game be good enough to entertain ye for a few hours. Besides, Pokemon is a bit exclusive, and rarely would ye find the game outside of Nintendo devices. In some ways, Dragon Story tops Pokemon in terms of immersion into the breeding experience.
How does Dragon Breeding look?
Dragon Story look pretty, aye, o’ course, the same can be said about other cutesy titles on Smart Phones. It does stand out though with excellent Dragon models, and more than very well drawn environments. The whole world truly does stand apart from other breedin’ games because ‘o this, and if it catches yer eye, ye might find that the gameplay will immerse ye almost completely. It also be remindin’ me a bit o’ the old 32 bit games durin’ the nineties.
What ye Should Look into
Arr, this game be a unique, and at some point the tappin’ and clickin’ really does meld into the gameplay. However, it ain’t one o’ ’em quick fix game that ye can just pick up for a few minutes and often ye’ll end up sinking dozens just to get that best dragon ye wanted for ye collection. Overall, if ye be lookin’ for a game that requires a bit more ‘o yer time, then by all means, plunder this from the App Store and see what it is like to control the mighty dragon.