Yo-ho-ho and a bottle full of rum!!! Oh, there ye are me hearties! Don’t mind this old salt, I be jolly from all the loot me and me hands just got from them shark bait o’er thar. Aye, I have for ye an app called Earth Protector. Let’s find more about this wonderful gem, shall we?
The Basics of the Game
Earth Protector is an Android app developed by Wasted-Droid. Your role is to defend your hometown from the aliens. Well, you will not really see the aliens but their ships. You will be riding an F-16 to shoot the enemies and prevent them from conquering the world. This is an arcade style game that was brought to Android. If you are familiar with classic arcade games like Galaxian and Galaxa, it is somewhat similar to them.
You will earn money for taking down the ships, which have varying colors. Each color has its own level of strength so there are ships that are easier to defeat than the others. The money that you will earn also depends on the strength of the ship destroyed. More powerful ships will earn you more money. Your life will decrease if you were hit by the enemy.
The game will end when you lose all your lives, though you still have the option to continue. This is also the time where you can use your money for upgrades. You need this in order to take down stronger and faster ships on the latter waves. Control is easy as you just have to use your finger to move your aircraft. There is no other control for shooting as your F-16 automatically shoots. Since the app is responsive, there should not be any problems in controlling the aircraft.
Game Design and Challenge
The game design is pretty basic. It is the usual interface that you would see on arcade games. The F-16 is gray, while the ships of the aliens have different colors and that’s it. That’s everything you’ll see throughout the game and oh yes; let’s not forget the bullets from your aircraft that shoot the enemies, which look like more of a yellow orb.
Though simple, the game can still be challenging. You will not have problems killing the first waves as long as you go for the weaker ships, which are green in color. You will need more focus and speed when it comes to the latter waves as they are faster. This means that you’ll have shorter time to decide which ship to shoot. You need to act quickly and move on the lane of the ship that you think you can defeat or you will end up losing your lives and eventually ending the game.
If you are a fan of aircraft shooter arcade games, then Earth Protector would be a good app to add on your device. It brings nostalgia to classic arcade games of this type, which would be special to those who enjoyed playing them in their childhood. But for those who are not familiar with these classic arcade games, they may not be able to appreciate the app as it does not have the great graphics and excitement that the new apps have to offer.