Ahoy there me hearties! The crew and I had a little fun. We took a break from booty hunting, and we just played and relaxed the entire day. One of the games we played was hide and seek. Aye, we were like little kids goofing around, hiding from the bucko looking for us. Well, all of us are great in seeking, so it really didn’t take too long before the seeker found everyone. We are trained in finding, may it be people or things. Har, har, har! The hidden object games we play on our devices help develop our skills in searching, and I have one of them to share with ye lads and lasses. Listen up, and let’s dive in the game called Find N Seek: Spy Hidden Object by Joymaster Puzzle Game Studio.
It has bright and pretty artwork

This game has excellent artwork. The images are eye-candy and they are also colorful. Just the pictures themselves add life to the gaming experience. There are a variety of backgrounds and themes, so you will not be seeing the same thing over and over again. There are puzzles that are set inside the house, and others outdoors. So, the pretty graphics are like treats.
It’s free without being bombarded by advertisements

It’s a game that you can download and play for free. While there are advertisements, there are not too many. You get one after completing every level, and it’s just a short video ad, which you can also easily close. So, it’s acceptable, considering that you don’t have to spend anything on playing. There are puzzles that you can play offline, but there are some content that requires an internet connection.
There are several levels to play
There are plenty of levels awaiting for you to explore, and as per the developer, they are continuously adding levels, so expect hours and hours of playing time. If you enjoy this game genre, this is great news as you can play anytime you want.
It’s fun and relaxing
You will have fun playing this game because it’s not too easy but also not too difficult. It has the right balance when it comes to difficulty level. You will enjoy and not get bored, and also not get frustrated. It’s an excellent way to pass time and relax. Some of the items you can see immediately, but some are partially hidden under other objects, so it develops your attention to details. However, there are times that you lose a heart because of moving the screen even if you don’t intend to tap on an object.
Thumbs up
It’s a fun and relaxing game with the right level of difficulty. It’s free and it doesn’t bombard you with advertisements. It has several levels and the images are also beautiful.
Thumbs down
Some content requires an internet connection and you may also lose a heart or life when you move the screen.
The verdict
Find N Seek: Spy Hidden Object is one of the best free hidden object games that you’ll find. It’s free, it has several levels, and the ads are not frustrating. You will have fun looking at the pretty images and finding objects.