Ahoy thar, mateys! Being in me ship sailin’ around for months sure gives me and me mates the heebie-jeebies e’ery so often. Potions and herrrbs be expensive, especially yer modern medicine. While we chantey on down, this app called GoodRx be a lifesaver. It be givin’ me discounts on drugs and save some of me gold that I have. Aye, this be one o’ the best things to happen for me and me hands! Now, we be in tip top shape no matter how long we sail for in the open sea!
The Features of the App
GoodRx gives you a bunch of options before choosing a drug. For instance, if you want to see the medication available for the type of condition that you have, you can browse for different types of drugs by searching through the medical conditions on the list. Or, you can do it much faster by just typing in the name of the drug on the app’s home screen to see the results.
When you have your results, you will be able to see your options on which pharmacies you can buy the drug and how much it will cost. This gives you the chance to compare prices. If a coupon is available, it will be shown on the screen as well which you will be able to download. There will also be a brief description about the product, as well as the content it has and the concentration of the medication. The app only provides a list of reputable and licensed pharmacies in the country and not anything less than that.
Great Savings
One thing that most people fail to realize is that for each drug, prices vary depending on where it is purchased. Meaning, it is up to the pharmacy to either charge more or less for a specific drug. By having GoodRx, you will be able to compare prices of a particular drug that you need among pharmacies in your area and find the best deal possible. No longer will you have to pay premium price for something you can buy much cheaper somewhere else and this app will be able to help you do just that.
GoodRx will also give you coupons on prescription drugs so that you can have greater savings and more value for your money. The app will allow you to download a coupon and all you have to do is present it once you buy your prescription meds in the pharmacy of your choice. Whether you are insured or not, this application is a necessity to save money and be able to get more for the amount that you have.
There is no reason why this app should not be a part of your apps list, whether you are always in the need for prescription medication or not. It is a free application which will not only help you find the medication that you need and where to buy it, but it may be able to give you as much as 80% savings when buying prescription drugs.