Ahoy there matey. I be noticin’ that you be feelin lonely as of late. Well, the seas can do that to the best o’ ya. Thank Calypso, though, I got me this iPhone here to keep me entertained. And I be seein’ that you got one yerself. Me advice is to get em’ messaging apps so that missin’ yer friends won’t be a problem no more. I highly recommend Hoozin just because.
Hoozin is one of the many instant messenger apps available for your smartphones and even for a vast majority of tablets nowadays. Whether you are an apple fanatic or are nothing more than an Android lover, Hoozin is surely available for you. Now, you may ask how Hoozin fares amongst the throng of other messenger apps available out in the market. Well, here is a quick breakdown on why Hoozin should be in your smartphone or tablet.
What is Hoozin?
Hoozin isn’t one of those apps that revolutionizes the genre of apps it belongs to. If you get right down to it, it is your run of the mill instant messaging apps. With it, you can keep in touch with your friends (those with Hoozin installed on their mobiles and tablets, of course), pretty much for free. And this makes Hoozin perfect for people with a limited mobile phone communications budget as users will be able to send texts to your friends for free. Features like group chatting and photo sharing are also ingrained into the app.
If there is one element in Hoozin that somewhat sets it apart from the competition, it lies within its design. Hoozin brings you a modern and sleek interface that is full of color. To call it glamorous would be a veritable understatement. I particularly like how you can actually customize the background of your group chat interface. You can literally change its colors or the entire background itself, though you may need to earn those backgrounds by sharing Hoozin on your social networks.
While Hoozin may look like a modern work of art that most users will find appealing, its design doesn’t take away from its overall functionality. Sending text messages to your Hookin buddies, setting up a group chat, and even sharing photos is a breeze. You can even customize your notifications so that only the messages from a particular person are the ones you will be notified about.
Now if you are concerned about filling your Hoozin contact list with your friends, don’t be. Just tell your buddies to download and install Hoozin and the app will do the rest. It will automatically inspect your smartphone or tablet contact list to determine which of your friends have Hoozin installed. The app will then add those contacts into your Hoozin contact list. From there, you can start sending them messages and chatting.
Apart from the basic functionalities of the app, Hoozin brings you a lot of added frills. For starters, with Hoozin, you are allowed to create a public profile complete with photos. This feature actually makes Hoozin feel like a social network as opposed to just being a messaging app. The app also comes with a number of social mini-games that you can dabble with along with your buddies. One of my favorite mini-games is spin the bottle, which can be played during a group chat. A bottle will appear in the center of the interface and you can spin it until it lands on one of your friends. You can then ask that friend to choose “Truth or Dare”.
The Value
Hoozin, in my opinion, is just one of those apps that should be in your utility belt…err rather smartphone because it is free, functional, and is eye candy. And since the developers behind the app seem to be continuously improving on it, what with the new update that just came out (last January 31, 2013), you can be sure that Hoozin will be in your messaging app collections for the long-haul.