
Idle Digging Tycoon Review

On May 31, 2020

Idle Digging Tycoon Icon

Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum! Ahoy there me hearties! How ye all doing me favorite friends? Me hope that ye are all having a fantastic day just like me are. This old salt is over the moon because as ye may already guess, it was another hit with our booty hunting. It was a bit tiring than usual because there was a lot of digging involved. Good thing that we buccaneers were used to that. At the end of the day, it was all good, especially with a barrel of rum! The app that I will share with the lads and lasses today also has something to do with digging. Tis called Idle Digging Tycoon by ZPLAY Games.

All you have to do is tap

Idle Digging Tycoon Review

Anyone can play this game because all you need to is tap to make the workers dig faster. It starts with one worker digging an area and you will reach higher levels as you move forward with the game. You earn more gold that you can use to get more workers and make upgrades. In the end, the area that the workers dig will turn unto an attractive structure.

Cute graphics, different locations

Idle Digging Tycoon App

Although it’s a simple game, its graphics will win your heart. The little creatures that work are adorable. It’s fun to see them dig, especially when you start to see the structure taking place little by little. There are different locations to dig so once you are done with one, there are still other locations to unlock, which are all eye candies.

It can help kill time, but it’s repetitive

If you are looking for something to do to kill time, this app can be that. It’s also free to download and watching ads will earn your rewards. Removing ads is also possible for a small fee. All you need to do is tap and the workers will work faster. Aside from that, there is really nothing else to do, just like other idle gamers are. It can be repetitive after some time, so if you don’t like games that do the same over and over, it may not be for you.

The ups

This app is free to download and play. It’s easy to learn since all you really need to do is tap and let the structure unveil itself. It will keep you occupied and it has different locations with awesome graphics. While there are ads, they are not too bothersome, plus you can also earn rewards from watching them.

The downs

The game can be repetitive as all you do is tap and wait for the structure to be unveil.

The verdict

If you are not into repetitive games, this app is not for you because it is exactly what it is, just like other idle games, it’s repetitive. You need to keep tapping for workers to dig faster and finish the structure. However, it’s an option for those who are looking for an app to kill time. There are different location to unlock once you’re done with one.

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